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Information about the 2025 Annual Spring Conference will be available in late fall.


Do you have an innovative practice or cutting-edge research you want to share with your colleagues from around the world? The Call for Presentations for the 2025 NISOD International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence is open. You are invited to submit a presentation proposal that focuses on best and promising practices that increase student success at community and technical colleges.

Why Present

  • Amazing professional development opportunity.
  • Collaborate with experts in the field.
  • Presenters receive a conference registration discount.
  • Receive recognition for and feedback about your practice or program.
  • Expand your professional portfolio.
  • Be part of a dynamic community committed to student success.

Conference Tracks

  • New Track! Advancing Computer Science and Information Technology Pedagogy and Practice
  • Emerging Issues and Trends at Community and Technical Colleges
  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice
  • Online, Face-to-Face, and Hybrid Teaching and Learning   
  • Student Services, Support, and Success
  • Using Technology to Improve Student and Organizational Outcomes
  • Workforce Preparation and Development
  • New Track! Neglected Perspectives: Important Topics That Fall Outside the Other Tracks

Submission Criteria

To present at the NISOD’s annual conference, you must:

  1. Be employed by a community college, technical college, or not-for-profit organization or university, or
  2. Represent a conference sponsor.

Presentation Formats

Make-and-Take Workshops (60 minutes)

These workshops bring faculty together to learn a successful pedagogical technique. Session leaders incorporate meaningful activities as would be done in the classroom using this technique. Examples might include group activities that you use to help students apply their learning, innovative assessment ideas, or innovative ways to incorporate technology in teaching. Demonstrated tools should be generic enough that they can be applicable to a wide range of subjects. Workshop leader(s) present their technique to participants as though they were students in a classroom. Facilitators then help participants workshop the technique to adapt for their own use. Participants walk away with a new tool in their pedagogical toolbox! Workshop rooms will be equipped with a laptop, data projector, speakers, and screen.

Breakout Sessions (60 minutes)

Breakout Sessions represent the core of the conference offerings and feature a successful practice, program, or key issue. Breakout Sessions may include multiple presenters and are intended for 25-75 participants. Presenters are expected to engage participants in interactive learning activities, provide handouts, and be prepared to respond to post-conference requests for more information. Lecture-only presentations are strongly discouraged. Each Breakout Session room will be equipped with a laptop, data projector, speakers, and screen.

Roundtable Discussions (60 minutes)

Roundtable Discussions provide a more personal and interactive setting for exploring key issues. Discussion leaders facilitate substantive discussions or small group activities. These discussions accommodate up to ten participants, are limited to two discussion leaders, and cannot accommodate any technology beyond a battery-powered laptop computer (provided by the facilitator). Numerous Roundtable Discussions take place simultaneously in the same area.

Preconference Seminars (3 hours)

Preconference Seminars are fee-based workshops that start at 1:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon, May 25, 2024, and are three hours in length. They provide in-depth exposure to specific topics, deliver practical knowledge and applications, and link participants with a community of learners who share common interests. The selection of Preconference Seminars facilitators is competitive and is based on each workshop’s content, design, and facilitator(s) expertise. Lecture-only presentations are not considered. Preconference Seminar rooms are equipped with a laptop, data projector, speakers, and screen.

NISOD provides Preconference Seminars participants with the option of earning Continuing Education Units (CEUs). The facilitators of selected Preconference Seminar are required to submit an assessment consisting of eight (8) multiple-choice questions and answer options by February 23, 2024. The assessments will be offered online at the conclusion of each Preconference Seminar. To be eligible to receive CEUs, Preconference Seminars participants need to pass the assessment with a score of not less than 80%.