15 Nov, 2023

Introducing ByFlex Course Design A Bimodal Flexible Course Model


Volume XLV, No. 17 | November 16, 2023 Introducing ByFlex Course Design: A Bimodal Flexible Course Model Abstract Colleges and universities had to embrace online learning during COVID-19 in order to keep operations running and continue to serve students. With the restrictions placed on us all, on-campus attendance was not an option. [...]

Introducing ByFlex Course Design A Bimodal Flexible Course Model2024-04-17T14:38:16-05:00
2 Nov, 2023

Improving Student Outcomes Through Collaborative Partnerships


Volume XLV, No. 16 | November 2, 2023 Improving Student Outcomes Through Collaborative Partnerships Faculty and staff at community and technical colleges demonstrate every day the ability to think with care and nuance about how to best support the students who walk through the doors of their institutions. Community and technical college [...]

Improving Student Outcomes Through Collaborative Partnerships2023-11-09T09:03:50-06:00
17 Oct, 2023

Creating an Equity-Minded Syllabus for a Post-Covid Classroom


Volume XLV, No. 15 | October 19, 2023 Creating an Equity-Minded Syllabus for a Post-Covid Classroom “Everyone smiles in the same language.” If you are anything like me, you smiled when you read the above quote. Aside from its effect of making people smile, I love this quote because it represents equality and [...]

Creating an Equity-Minded Syllabus for a Post-Covid Classroom2023-10-17T20:21:00-05:00
4 Oct, 2023

Bringing the Whole Person (and Not Just the Student) to Your Classroom


Volume XLV, No. 14 | October 5, 2023 Bringing the Whole Person (and Not Just the Student) to Your Classroom I believe student inclusion and a sense of belonging are more important than ever in creating a successful and meaningful classroom experience. But how does one get students to feel seen, heard, [...]

Bringing the Whole Person (and Not Just the Student) to Your Classroom2023-10-04T16:52:39-05:00
13 Sep, 2023

Researching and Learning With Students: Undergraduate Research Strategies


Volume XLV, No. 13 | September 14, 2023 Researching and Learning With Students: Undergraduate Research Strategies Undergraduate research has been identified as a high-impact practice that provides opportunities for students’ holistic development as scholars and people. Instructor-student research provides many benefits, such as student growth in writing, reading, and critical and creative [...]

Researching and Learning With Students: Undergraduate Research Strategies2023-09-15T05:46:32-05:00