16 May, 2024

Empowering African American Male Scholars: A Vision for Inclusive Educational Excellence

2024-05-31T08:04:09-05:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , |0 Comments

Volume XLVI, No. 9 | May 16, 2024 Empowering African American Male Scholars: A Vision for Inclusive Educational Excellence Introduction Today, we embark on an exciting journey delving deep into the realm of inclusive classroom practices tailored specifically for the educational needs of African American males. This voyage is not just about [...]

1 May, 2024

Victories in Information Literacy: An Effective Collaboration Between the Library and Reading Departments

2024-05-16T09:57:10-05:00May 1st, 2024|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , |0 Comments

Volume XLVI, No. 8 | May 2, 2024 Victories in Information Literacy: An Effective Collaboration Between the Library and Reading Department Montgomery County Community College (MCCC) publishes learning outcomes for each course offered at the college. The Reading Department's outcomes include identifying and applying practical and efficient comprehension strategies for college-level texts. [...]

17 Apr, 2024

Getting Started with Microcredentials

2024-04-30T10:03:23-05:00April 17th, 2024|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , |0 Comments

Volume XLVI, No. 7 | April 18, 2024 Getting Started With Microcredentials Microcredentials are one of the hottest topics in learning today. Businesses, private learning companies, and higher education institutions are either exploring or going all-in on verifying skills attainment through microcredentialing. Metropolitan Community College (MCC) has been using microcredentialing in its [...]

5 Apr, 2024

What About the Average Student?

2024-05-31T01:44:51-05:00April 5th, 2024|Categories: Innovation Abstracts, Membership|Tags: , |0 Comments

Volume XLVI, No. 6 | April 4, 2024 What About the Average Student? When I was a middle school guidance counselor, I read a poem called The Average Child by Mike Buscemi. The last two stanzas have stayed with me and shaped my teaching as my career transitioned to higher education. ’Cause, since [...]

20 Mar, 2024

Socratic Seminars: How to Keep the Whole Class Engaged and Using Higher-Level Thinking Skills

2024-04-17T14:37:10-05:00March 20th, 2024|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , |0 Comments

Volume XLVI, No. 5 | March 21, 2024 Socratic Seminars: How to Keep the Whole Class Engaged and Using Higher-Level Thinking Skills The Socratic method of learning is as old as Socrates himself. Many instructors wish they understood the method enough to use it in their classrooms. Others who use it are [...]

7 Mar, 2024

Redefining Support in Online Learning: The Benefits of Embedded Learning Assistants

2024-04-17T14:37:19-05:00March 7th, 2024|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , |0 Comments

Volume XLVI, No. 4 | March 7, 2024 Redefining Support in Online Learning: The Benefits of Embedded Learning Assistants  Abstract Students often need help to succeed academically, whether that's to understand a concept, complete an assignment, or improve their skills. However, asking for help risks appearing inadequate or dependent, which can create [...]

21 Feb, 2024

The Power of Possibility: How Community Colleges Can Champion Success for English Language Learners

2024-04-17T14:37:31-05:00February 21st, 2024|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , |0 Comments

Volume XLVI, No. 3 | February 22, 2024 The Power of Possibility: How Community Colleges Can Champion Success for English Language Learners   ELLs Face Steep Barriers  English language learners (ELLs) are motivated to succeed despite facing difficulties due to not being fluent English speakers. They also often have varying college readiness levels. [...]

8 Feb, 2024

Battle of the Books: Evaluating the Reading Comprehension of HTML and PDF Textbook Formats

2024-04-17T14:37:41-05:00February 8th, 2024|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , |0 Comments

Volume XLVI, No. 2 | February 8, 2024 Battle of the Books: Evaluating the Reading Comprehension of HTML and PDF Textbook Formats Introduction  Executive function refers to the cognitive skills needed for planning, monitoring, and controlling cognitive processes. As the brain matures and executive functioning improves, it facilitates prioritizing, critical thinking, decision [...]

25 Jan, 2024

Leveraging Internal and External Stakeholders to Optimize Student Success

2024-04-17T14:37:57-05:00January 25th, 2024|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , |0 Comments

Volume XLVI, No. 1 | January 25, 2024 Leveraging Internal and External Stakeholders to Optimize Student Success Introduction How do we define student success?  Every institution of higher learning may have a slightly different perspective, although there are certain widely accepted metrics. These include graduation rates; pass rates, especially in gateway courses; [...]

30 Nov, 2023

Using Simulation to Explore Healthcare Careers

2024-04-17T14:38:04-05:00November 30th, 2023|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , |0 Comments

Volume XLV, No. 18 | November 30, 2023 Using Simulation to Explore Healthcare Careers Eastside High School’s Biomedical Science Academy was established to serve high school students through innovation and technology. The Academy was designed using the Linked Learning approach. Linked Learning encompasses a stringent combination of academics, career and technical education, [...]