14 Feb, 2023

From Sour Chemistry to a Better Buy In


Volume XLV, No. 2 | February 16, 2023 From Sour Chemistry to a Better Buy In At Harford Community College, a Calculus I honors section is offered every fall semester. In order to meet the expectations of the honors program, I have continually asked myself, “What can I do to create [...]

From Sour Chemistry to a Better Buy In2023-02-15T15:19:20-06:00
7 Jul, 2020

Making Cultural Assets Count in Community College Math: Lessons Learned From Piloting Real-Life Math Tasks in a Yucatec Maya School


Volume XLII, No. 25 | July 9, 2020 Making Cultural Assets Count in Community College Math: Lessons Learned From Piloting Real-Life Math Tasks in a Yucatec Maya School As a researcher and a community college math instructor, I have experience with culturally responsive instruction in and out of the classroom. Culturally responsive [...]

Making Cultural Assets Count in Community College Math: Lessons Learned From Piloting Real-Life Math Tasks in a Yucatec Maya School2020-07-09T14:52:11-05:00
26 Jun, 2019

Reconnecting Theory and Hands-On Material Estimating


Volume XLI, No. 24 | June 27, 2019 Reconnecting Theory and Hands-On Material Estimating You may have heard construction workers, students, and even some technical trade educators say that the construction industry is mostly a hands-on industry. I find that this statement is rooted in misunderstanding. Surely “hands-on” tasks play an important [...]

Reconnecting Theory and Hands-On Material Estimating2022-10-31T16:38:18-05:00
29 May, 2019

Adoption of OER Materials for a College Algebra Course and Its Results


Volume XLI, No. 20 | May 30, 2019 Adoption of OER Materials for a College Algebra Course and Its Results During the Spring 2016 semester, Southern Utah University (SUU) adopted an OER textbook for its general lower‐division algebra course (Math 1050). Overall, the new adoption for the course went extremely well. Background [...]

Adoption of OER Materials for a College Algebra Course and Its Results2022-10-31T16:38:17-05:00