18 Feb, 2025

Strengthening Students’ Argumentation Skills to Enhance Source Credibility Assessment: A Study on Critical Thinking in Online Research


Volume XLVII, No. 3 |  February 20, 2025 Strengthening Students' Argumentation Skills to Enhance Source Credibility Assessment: A Study on Critical Thinking in Online Research  The way students approach research has changed dramatically with the rise of the internet. While more information is readily available within seconds, I found my students often [...]

Strengthening Students’ Argumentation Skills to Enhance Source Credibility Assessment: A Study on Critical Thinking in Online Research2025-02-18T16:30:19-06:00
11 Mar, 2017

IA Membership Preview 1


Volume XXXVIII, No. 28 | November 17, 2016 Teach Students HOW to Learn: Metacognition is the Key! “Miriam, a freshman calculus student at Louisiana State University (LSU), made 37.5 percent on her first exam, but 83 percent and 93 percent on the next two exams. Robert, a first-year general chemistry student at LSU, [...]

IA Membership Preview 12017-06-16T01:12:59-05:00
28 Nov, 2016

Using a New Tool in a New Way


Volume XXXVIII, No. 29 | December 1, 2016 Using a New Tool in a New Way Many students find studying difficult, perhaps because they’ve never been taught how to study. There is ample evidence that shows repeated exposure to course material, especially in different contexts, helps move course material into long-term memory (Baddeley, [...]

Using a New Tool in a New Way2022-10-31T16:37:16-05:00
14 Nov, 2016

Teach Students HOW to Learn: Metacognition is the Key!


Volume XXXVIII, No. 28 | November 17, 2016 Teach Students HOW to Learn: Metacognition is the Key! “Miriam, a freshman calculus student at Louisiana State University (LSU), made 37.5 percent on her first exam, but 83 percent and 93 percent on the next two exams. Robert, a first-year general chemistry student at LSU, [...]

Teach Students HOW to Learn: Metacognition is the Key!2022-10-31T16:37:16-05:00
12 Sep, 2014

Lesson Delivery: What Every Instructor Can Do Everyday


Volume XXXVI, No. 18 | September 12, 2014 Lesson Delivery: What Every Instructor Can Do Everyday At the heart of every good lesson lies a good plan. Regardless of how the plan is documented, educational preparatory programs, insist on a teacher's ability to create and implement well thought out lesson plans prior to [...]

Lesson Delivery: What Every Instructor Can Do Everyday2022-10-31T16:36:50-05:00
29 Aug, 2014

Building More Comprehensive Community College Success Metrics: Why Completing a Degree Is Not the Only Way to Succeed


Volume XXXVI, No. 16 | August 29, 2014 Building More Comprehensive Community College Success Metrics: Why Completing a Degree Is Not the Only Way to Succeed Recent research on the California community college system has revealed that workforce-training programs yield some of the highest earnings for community college students, regardless of whether those students [...]

Building More Comprehensive Community College Success Metrics: Why Completing a Degree Is Not the Only Way to Succeed2022-10-31T16:36:49-05:00
1 Aug, 2008

2008-2009 Innovation Abstracts


2008-2009 Innovation Abstracts Issue Description Vol. XXXI, No. 15 May 8, 2009 In “Global Perspectives: Enhancing Research,” Stephen Holland, English and Education Faculty, at Muscatine Community College (IA), describes a strategy for helping students move from simple presentations of information to critical levels of thinking. Helping students gain perspective about global relationships [...]

2008-2009 Innovation Abstracts2017-06-16T01:32:29-05:00
1 Aug, 2007

2007-2008 Innovation Abstracts


2007-2008 Innovation Abstracts Issue Description Vol. XXX, No. 15 May 2, 2008 In "The Natural Athlete: A Comfortable Myth," Suanne Roueche, currently Editor of NISOD Publications, describes 10 strategies for improving athletes' performances that have proven to work equally as well for improving academic performance. This issue, originally published in 1983, is [...]

2007-2008 Innovation Abstracts2017-06-16T01:32:41-05:00
1 Aug, 2006

2006-2007 Innovation Abstracts


2006-2007 Innovation Abstracts Issue Description Vol. XXIX, No. 15 May 4, 2007 In “Challenging the Myths About Online Learning,” Robert Mendenhall, President, Western Governors University (UT), and Mark David Milliron, former NISOD Director, at The University of Texas at Austin, discuss 10 of the most common myths that faculty believe about this [...]

2006-2007 Innovation Abstracts2017-06-16T01:32:44-05:00
1 Aug, 2005

2005-2006 Innovation Abstracts


2005-2006 Innovation Abstracts Issue Description Vol. XXVIII, No. 15 May 5, 2006 In “Practical Advice: Focusing on the Attentional Needs of College Freshmen,” Lori Norin, Assistant Professor of Speech Communication, at the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith, describes her successful strategies for responding to barriers that ADHD creates for an unfortunate number of [...]

2005-2006 Innovation Abstracts2017-06-16T01:32:50-05:00