14 Jul, 2020

Supporting Students as Writers Within and Beyond the Online Technical and Community College Classroom’s Digital Walls

2020-07-16T14:55:46-05:00July 14th, 2020|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Volume XLII, No. 26 | July 16, 2020 Supporting Students as Writers Within and Beyond the Online Technical and Community College Classroom’s Digital Walls Tweets of no more than 280 characters? #Easy A catchy post on Instagram? Captioning now! Will post tonight! Responding to a Discord message? Ready. Click. Send. Emoji optional. [...]

7 Jul, 2020

Making Cultural Assets Count in Community College Math: Lessons Learned From Piloting Real-Life Math Tasks in a Yucatec Maya School

2020-07-09T14:52:11-05:00July 7th, 2020|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Volume XLII, No. 25 | July 9, 2020 Making Cultural Assets Count in Community College Math: Lessons Learned From Piloting Real-Life Math Tasks in a Yucatec Maya School As a researcher and a community college math instructor, I have experience with culturally responsive instruction in and out of the classroom. Culturally responsive [...]

29 Jun, 2020

Teachable Moments

2020-07-02T13:44:53-05:00June 29th, 2020|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Volume XLII, No. 24 | July 2, 2020 Teachable Moments Creating teachable moments that engage and connect students with course content is paramount for student success and can be more difficult to achieve in the online classroom. The work begins with course structure and navigation. Instructors must prepare for every learning style [...]

22 Jun, 2020

Staying Connected When Virtual Becomes Reality: Transitioning to All Online

2020-06-24T21:29:44-05:00June 22nd, 2020|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Volume XLII, No. 23 | June 25, 2020 Staying Connected When Virtual Becomes Reality: Transitioning to All Online As Director of eLearning for Copiah-Lincoln Community College (CLCC), I am tasked with managing our online courses. In early March of this year, I was completing administrative tasks related to getting students and instructors [...]

15 Jun, 2020

Using Video Tools in the Online Classroom

2020-06-17T13:27:27-05:00June 15th, 2020|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Volume XLII, No. 22 | June 18, 2020 Using Video Tools in the Online Classroom Academic technology has grown tremendously in the past 15 years, and much of its accomplishments have been directed at overcoming instructional barriers in virtual learning. Perhaps the most crucial barriers that recent literature in online learning emphasize [...]

8 Jun, 2020

Teaching Technical Topics With a Human Perspective

2020-06-15T17:42:40-05:00June 8th, 2020|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Volume XLII, No. 21 | June 11, 2020 Teaching Technical Topics With a Human Perspective  As an instructor in physical science and engineering classes, I frequently assess teaching tools and techniques that promote student participation and enthusiasm. I’ve noticed that students tend to “perk up” when I share technical topics in a way that includes human [...]

2 Jun, 2020

White Privilege: What It Is and How to Incorporate the Topic Into Your Class Sessions

2020-06-15T17:43:29-05:00June 2nd, 2020|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Volume XLII, No. 20 | June 4, 2020 For the past five decades, I have been exploring White privilege in my personal and professional life. I am White. I married a Black man in Missouri in 1973. We have a son who was born in 1975. My PhD is in Anthropology from [...]

26 May, 2020

Interdisciplinarity and Autonomy: Keys to 21st-Century Learning in Europe

2020-06-15T17:44:00-05:00May 26th, 2020|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Volume XLII, No. 19 | May 28, 2020 Interdisciplinarity and Autonomy: Keys to 21st-Century Learning in Europe Community colleges provide a vital link between Americans and prosperity. Yet, today there is still a significant income gap in the United States. This income gap is largely perpetuated by a well-documented skills gap, which [...]

18 May, 2020

How to Keep Your Students Engaged and Reduce Anxiety in the Online Classroom

2020-06-15T17:44:31-05:00May 18th, 2020|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Volume XLII, No. 18 | May 21, 2020 How to Keep Your Students Engaged and Reduce Anxiety in the Online Classroom Let’s face it, we have been thrown for a loop! COVID-19 has caused face-to-face classes to transition to the virtual world. With this transition comes stress and anxiety for many students, [...]