26 Sep, 2014

Supporting At-Risk Students With BYOD Applications


Volume XXXVI, No. 20 | September 26, 2014 Supporting At-Risk Students With BYOD Applications Developmental education and first-year sequence programs are common offerings at community and technical colleges. According to Bailey (2009), approximately 60 percent of incoming community college students are required to take at least one developmental course. These students often [...]

Supporting At-Risk Students With BYOD Applications2022-10-31T16:36:51-05:00
11 Oct, 2013

The Digital Dilemma


Volume XXXV, No. 22 | October 11, 2013 The Digital Dilemma As higher education continues to adapt to and incorporate online technology into the curricula, several significant obstacles from seemingly insignificant areas have come to light. For instance, one of the biggest misnomers that plagues our college classrooms today is the presumption that [...]

The Digital Dilemma2022-10-31T16:36:39-05:00