4 Feb, 2025

Using ChatGPT to Improve Your Instruction


Volume XLVII, No. 2 |  February 2, 2025 Using ChatGPT to Improve Your Instruction Generative Artificial Intelligence (“GenAI”) took the education world by storm in late 2022 and has triggered frequent predictions on how this technology may positively or negatively affect higher education. In this article, I propose some ways that this [...]

Using ChatGPT to Improve Your Instruction2025-02-04T17:37:11-06:00
14 Sep, 2020

Business Simulations Enhance Student Engagement and Experiential Learning


Volume XLII, No. 35 | September 17, 2020 Business Simulations Enhance Student Engagement and Experiential Learning Simulations provide students with an opportunity to make decisions, operate equipment, and apply theoretical knowledge to specific, real-world scenarios. Simulations can be live, involving real people operating real systems; they can be virtual, involving real [...]

Business Simulations Enhance Student Engagement and Experiential Learning2020-09-21T15:55:38-05:00
2 Jun, 2020

White Privilege: What It Is and How to Incorporate the Topic Into Your Class Sessions


Volume XLII, No. 20 | June 4, 2020 For the past five decades, I have been exploring White privilege in my personal and professional life. I am White. I married a Black man in Missouri in 1973. We have a son who was born in 1975. My PhD is in Anthropology from [...]

White Privilege: What It Is and How to Incorporate the Topic Into Your Class Sessions2020-06-15T17:43:29-05:00
26 May, 2020

Interdisciplinarity and Autonomy: Keys to 21st-Century Learning in Europe


Volume XLII, No. 19 | May 28, 2020 Interdisciplinarity and Autonomy: Keys to 21st-Century Learning in Europe Community colleges provide a vital link between Americans and prosperity. Yet, today there is still a significant income gap in the United States. This income gap is largely perpetuated by a well-documented skills gap, which [...]

Interdisciplinarity and Autonomy: Keys to 21st-Century Learning in Europe2020-06-15T17:44:00-05:00
18 May, 2020

How to Keep Your Students Engaged and Reduce Anxiety in the Online Classroom


Volume XLII, No. 18 | May 21, 2020 How to Keep Your Students Engaged and Reduce Anxiety in the Online Classroom Let’s face it, we have been thrown for a loop! COVID-19 has caused face-to-face classes to transition to the virtual world. With this transition comes stress and anxiety for many students, [...]

How to Keep Your Students Engaged and Reduce Anxiety in the Online Classroom2020-06-15T17:44:31-05:00
11 May, 2020

From Face-to-Face to Online Overnight: Bridging the Gaps and Setting Your Course on FIRE


Volume XLII, No. 17 | May 14, 2020 From Face-to-Face to Online Overnight: Bridging the Gaps and Setting Your Course on FIRE The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged all instructors to adjust their course structure for online delivery. How can educators with little online experience pivot to this new environment? By not simply [...]

From Face-to-Face to Online Overnight: Bridging the Gaps and Setting Your Course on FIRE2020-06-15T17:45:01-05:00
5 May, 2020

Yes, You Can Lead Student Teams, Even in a Virtual World


Volume XLII, No. 16 | May 7, 2020 Yes, You Can Lead Student Teams, Even in a Virtual World With the recent migration of many community college programs to distance learning, the difficulties instructors face when facilitating student teams has been magnified. Facilitating group work online may be especially difficult for instructors [...]

Yes, You Can Lead Student Teams, Even in a Virtual World2020-06-15T17:45:59-05:00
28 Apr, 2020

Transitioning From Face-to-Face to Online Teaching


Volume XLII, No. 15 | April 30, 2020 Transitioning From Face-to-Face to Online Teaching COVID-19 appeared at a critical time in the semester for many, just after midterm exams and right before spring break. It arrived with little warning. As a result of the rapid shift to online learning, teachers and instructors [...]

Transitioning From Face-to-Face to Online Teaching2020-06-15T17:46:27-05:00
21 Apr, 2020

Strengthening Our Institution Through Online Student Services


Volume XLII, No. 14 | April 23, 2020 Strengthening Our Institution Through Online Student Services Arkansas State University Three Rivers, a public, two-year institution of higher education, was awarded more than $2.2 million through the Title III Strengthening Institutions Program in 2016 and a supplemental grant in 2018. ASU Three Rivers used the [...]

Strengthening Our Institution Through Online Student Services2020-06-15T17:46:58-05:00
14 Apr, 2020

Digital Literacy and Micro-Credentialing to Improve College Graduate Marketability


Volume XLII, No. 13 | April 16, 2020 Digital Literacy and Micro-Credentialing to Improve College Graduate Marketability Digital literacy is the ability to use technology to locate, evaluate, retrieve, organize, integrate, synthesize, analyze, produce, and communicate information through digital platforms. Digital literacy can play a powerful role in helping students connect, learn, [...]

Digital Literacy and Micro-Credentialing to Improve College Graduate Marketability2020-06-15T17:47:27-05:00