6 Apr, 2021

Creating a Sense of Belonging at a Tribal College


Volume XLIII, No. 21 | April 8, 2021 Creating a Sense of Belonging at a Tribal College Native American students are one of the least represented populations in the American higher education system. The representation of these students is so low that oftentimes Indigenous students are hidden amongst the “other” category [...]

Creating a Sense of Belonging at a Tribal College2021-04-07T19:45:31-05:00
7 Jul, 2020

Making Cultural Assets Count in Community College Math: Lessons Learned From Piloting Real-Life Math Tasks in a Yucatec Maya School


Volume XLII, No. 25 | July 9, 2020 Making Cultural Assets Count in Community College Math: Lessons Learned From Piloting Real-Life Math Tasks in a Yucatec Maya School As a researcher and a community college math instructor, I have experience with culturally responsive instruction in and out of the classroom. Culturally responsive [...]

Making Cultural Assets Count in Community College Math: Lessons Learned From Piloting Real-Life Math Tasks in a Yucatec Maya School2020-07-09T14:52:11-05:00
2 Jan, 2017

Why and How to Globalize a Community College


Why and How to Globalize a Community College Issue No. 6 • January 2017 In “Why and How to Globalize a Community College,” Nan McRaven, Principal, McRaven Consulting and Trustee, Austin Community College (TX), and Patricia Somers, Associate Professor, Higher Education, The University of Texas at Austin (TX), discuss the responsibility of community colleges to prepare students [...]

Why and How to Globalize a Community College2022-10-31T16:41:29-05:00
14 Oct, 2016

Peer Review and Cultural Diversity


Volume XXXVIII, No. 23 | October 14, 2016 Peer Review and Cultural Diversity “People teach each other, mediated by the world, by the cognizable objects which in banking education are ‘owned’ by the teacher.” – Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed “Why do we need to peer review? It seems to be an [...]

Peer Review and Cultural Diversity2017-06-16T01:14:41-05:00
16 Oct, 2015

Large Scale Faculty Development: A Taxonomy of Faculty Perspectives on Teaching Men of Color


Volume XXXVII, No. 23 | October 16, 2015 Large Scale Faculty Development: A Taxonomy of Faculty Perspectives on Teaching Men of Color Enhancing success and learning outcomes for students who have been historically underrepresented and underserved in education remains a key challenge facing America's community colleges. While many states have taken up the [...]

Large Scale Faculty Development: A Taxonomy of Faculty Perspectives on Teaching Men of Color2022-10-31T16:37:04-05:00
3 Oct, 2014

The Impact of Gender-Specific Organizations on Community College Campuses


Volume XXXVI, No. 21 | October 3, 2014 The Impact of Gender-Specific Organizations on Community College Campuses Introduction In recent years, women's gender roles in society are being reconsidered, both domestically and internationally. From the success of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg, to First [...]

The Impact of Gender-Specific Organizations on Community College Campuses2022-10-31T16:36:51-05:00
18 Oct, 2013

Cultural Attitudes Toward Education


Volume XXXV, No. 23 | October 18, 2013 Cultural Attitudes Toward Education A commentary on the effect of our culture on education Education, from a general perspective, is any learning that we obtain from different media. Education does not start on our first day of kindergarten, nor is it limited to the [...]

Cultural Attitudes Toward Education2022-10-31T16:36:39-05:00
20 Sep, 2013

Conversations with Canadians


Volume XXXV, No. 19 | September 20, 2013 Conversations with Canadians Our campus, like campuses across North America, is faced with numerous challenges and opportunities associated with increased enrollment of international students. Learning to relate to other cultures is essential for today's students for social, political and economic reasons, yet some research suggests [...]

Conversations with Canadians2022-10-31T16:36:38-05:00
29 Mar, 2013

Dead Languages—Latin and Ancient Greek—Alive and Kicking in a Science Curriculum


Volume XXXV, No. 10 | March 29, 2013 Dead Languages—Latin and Ancient Greek—Alive and Kicking in a Science Curriculum As a graduate student, I had to make a presentation to fulfill one of the requirements of an ecology course. I decided to talk about ethnobotany because that was my interest area, and I [...]

Dead Languages—Latin and Ancient Greek—Alive and Kicking in a Science Curriculum2022-10-31T16:36:05-05:00