10 Apr, 2015

Teaching Critical Thinking Dispositions


Volume XXXVII, No. 11 | April 10, 2015 Teaching Critical Thinking Dispositions Mortimer Adler, the founder of the Great Books program at the University of Chicago, once famously wrote that critical thinking could not be taught. In his essay, “Critical Thinking Programs: Why They Won’t Work,” Adler wrote, “I would almost say that, [...]

Teaching Critical Thinking Dispositions2022-10-31T16:36:57-05:00
14 Feb, 2014

Promoting Critical Thinking and Active Learning by “Teaching Backwards”


Volume XXXVI, No. 5 | February 14, 2014 Promoting Critical Thinking and Active Learning by “Teaching Backwards” “Teaching Backwards” is an instructional method that explores cause-and-effect relationships by examining a series of connected events, starting with the last event first and proceeding backwards. Inspired by the movie “Memento,” this method promotes critical thinking [...]

Promoting Critical Thinking and Active Learning by “Teaching Backwards”2022-10-31T16:36:44-05:00
13 Sep, 2013

Teaching Students to Be Active Listeners


Volume XXXV, No. 18 | September 13, 2013 Teaching Students to Be Active Listeners The simple act of nodding your head in acknowledgment when someone is explaining an idea to you is something we learn at a relatively early age. Saying "yes" in agreement or repeating back what was stated to you to [...]

Teaching Students to Be Active Listeners2022-10-31T16:36:37-05:00
15 Feb, 2013

The Critical Thinking Biology Final


Volume XXXV, No. 5 | February 15, 2013 The Critical Thinking Biology Final During my first five years of teaching Biology II for majors, I gave my students a typical multiple choice/ matching/short essay comprehensive final exam. The subject matter of the course focused on biological organization from organisms to ecosystems. Each year [...]

The Critical Thinking Biology Final2022-10-31T16:36:03-05:00