Student Essay Contest FAQs
Any student is allowed to enter, even if he or she is employed by the college.
Each essay must be about only one person.
No. Students can only submit one essay per year.
Yes, any student enrolled at a NISOD-member college can submit an essay.
No, each essay can only have one author
Yes, any student enrolled at a NISOD-member college can submit an essay.
Please feel free to browse our NISOD-member college list.
The faculty, staff, or administrator featured in the essay must be currently employed at the same NISOD-member college as the student authors enrollment and remain so through the Spring 2024 semester.
The Student author must be currently enrolled at a NISOD-member college through the Spring 2023 semester.
No. Essays must be written about a college faculty member, staff member, or administrator, not a student who is employed by the college.
The teacher must be employed by the college when the essay is submitted. Therefore, the teacher could not have passed away prior to the essay being submitted.
The college will receive the award.
Contact contests@nisod.org with any additional questions.