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Liaison Spotlight

Individuals (by last name):
Steven Crawford, Jessica Granger, Elizabeth Holmes, Irma Hunt, Page Wolf

Spotlight Recipient Photo
Steven Crawford
Maricopa Community Colleges

What is your job title?
District Director, Maricopa Center for Learning and Innovation

What do you enjoy most about your job?
I have the privilege of working alongside ten incredibly creative and innovative colleges, each of which brings a unique perspective and approach to education. In my role, I am dedicated to providing support and resources that help these institutions scale their initiatives effectively. This collaboration not only enhances their individual programs but also allows us to share successful practices and strategies across the entire District. By doing so, we ensure that all students and educators can benefit from the cutting-edge ideas and solutions developed by these colleges, ultimately fostering a more vibrant and inclusive educational environment for everyone involved. My goal is to empower these colleges to reach their fullest potential, enabling them to make a significant, positive impact in the community as a whole.

How long have you been at your college?
Six years

What's happening at your college that inspires you?
We are involved in multiple projects, and the one I will mention is that we are currently building a framework for faculty development. Over the past few years, we have developed domains for faculty development that have guided my team's work in meeting the needs of our District's adjunct faculty through asynchronous workshops. Our next step is to develop competencies within those domains so that we can develop faculty development pathways and microcredentials. This will do two things for us: 1) it will allow our colleges to map their programs onto these pathways so that we can see if there are gaps in faculty development that need to be addressed, and 2) it will allow faculty to track their development and select opportunities that will further advance their development in the direction they desire.

Do you have a book or movie that you would recommend?
Currently, I am reading "High-Impact Design for Online Courses" by Bethany Simunich, Andrea Gregg, and Penny Ralston-Berg.

What's your favorite NISOD member benefit?
There are many! The newsletters, the conference, webinars, but I want to highlight the opportunity to recognize faculty and staff with the NISOD Excellence Award.

What tips can you give other liaisons for helping their colleagues get the most out of their NISOD membership?
While I try to communicate regularly about what NISOD can offer, I find that sending an email at the start of the academic year that provides a comprehensive overview of NISOD and the benefits of being a member.

Spotlight Recipient Photo
Irma Hunt
Community College of Allegheny County

What is your job title?
Assistant Vice President and Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs.

What do you enjoy most about your job?
What I enjoy most about my job is being part of an institution that truly lives up to its motto, "our goal is your success." This aligns perfectly with my personal teaching philosophy. I love that I can contribute to creating an environment where student achievement is our top priority, and that my colleagues are all in, too!

How long have you been at your college?
I joined the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) in January 2024.

What's happening at your college that inspires you?
There's so much happening at CCAC that inspires me! Our civic engagement initiatives, like "Party at the Polls," are really exciting. We also have fantastic study abroad opportunities - our students can visit places like the Galapagos Islands, Belize, and India. Our honors program is growing and becoming more robust, which is wonderful to see. And I'm really inspired by how we're constantly working to connect our curriculum with workforce needs, ensuring our students are well-prepared for their careers.

What's your favorite NISOD member benefit?
It's hard to pick just one favorite NISOD benefit because they're all so valuable! I really appreciate the Excellence Awards for faculty - it's a great way to recognize our outstanding educators. The annual conference and year-round virtual events are also fantastic opportunities for professional development. The virtual campus and workshops are incredibly useful, and NISOD's publications are always insightful.

What tips can you give other liaisons for helping their colleagues get the most out of their NISOD membership?
My number one tip would be to really encourage engagement with all that NISOD offers. Encourage your college to participate in the Excellence Awards. Make sure everyone knows about the annual conference and virtual conference - remind your colleagues to take advantage of these great learning opportunities. And don't forget about the student essay contest - it's a great way to get students involved and showcase their talents. The key is to keep NISOD benefits visible and encourage active participation across the board.

Spotlight Recipient Photo
Page Wolf
College of Lake County

What is your job title?
Academic Director, Faculty Professional Learning

What do you enjoy most about your job?
I'm in a unique role where I get to be a full-time faculty member but also the full-time academic director of faculty professional learning. This allows me to work with a wide range of people at the college including students, peer faculty, and college administrators and staff.

How long have you been at your college?
25 years

What's happening at your college that inspires you?
We have a large-scale, college-wide student success effort that's been in place for the past six years. It's very inspirational to not only see initiatives to retain students coming to fruition but also to see them having an impact on increased student retention and graduation rates.

Do you have a book or movie that you would recommend?
I've always been a fan of Parker Palmer's Courage to Teach.

What's your favorite NISOD member benefit?
The free online webinars. We promote and share these professional learning opportunities with our faculty regularly.

What tips can you give other liaisons for helping their colleagues get the most out of their NISOD membership?
Pay attention to the emails. There are so many wonderful opportunities and resources through NISOD. Also, make a point to attend the NISOD conference in May. It's a great way to not only feel connected to the organization but also to meet peers from other NISOD institutions.

Spotlight Recipient Photo
Jessica Granger
Lone Star College System

What is your job title?
Director, Organizational Development

What do you enjoy most about your job?
What I love most about my job is the impact that I am able to have on our entire Lone Star College community: faculty, staff, students, and our external partners. It is a privilege to support others as they work to reach their goals by offering learning opportunities in areas relevant to higher education and then to help celebrate their accomplishments. I love getting the opportunity to help other’s see their potential and help them gain confidence in their abilities through coaching and consulting sessions.

How long have you been at your college?
I have been with Lone Star College since May 2013.

What's happening at your college that inspires you?
We have had a lot of changes recently within the organization, but the way our employees have responded has been amazing to see. Our culture is stronger, and our Student-Focused mindset has never been more prevalent. We reached record enrollment this fall semester and that's because we know our priorities, and our priorities are the employees, students, and community around us. Hearing student stories of how Lone Star College has helped them achieve their goal of obtaining a degree or how Lone Star College has made an impact on their lives outside of the classroom is what inspires me. I love that I get to be a part of something that looks at the whole person that a student is, not just a student in a classroom.

Do you have a book or movie that you would recommend?
One book that I would recommend would be Lead It Like Lasso. It takes a fun, pop culture approach to leadership as it quickly hooks you into reading. It’s not like other leadership books that I have read as it provides a lot of humor and nods to the show Ted Lasso.

A movie that I would recommend is Monsters University. I know this is a silly recommendation, but a lot of lessons can be learned in the simplicity of this movie. We need to know that people are capable of great and wonderful things, even if the surface doesn’t appear that way. Embracing our uniqueness can lead to mighty adventures and to something even grander than we ever planned. There’s so much more to unpack, but watch it and see what you learn!

What's your favorite NISOD member benefit?
There are so many great benefits but one of my favorites is the Excellence Awards. I love that we have the opportunity to recognize our employees for their amazing accomplishments. Celebrating achievements is something that gets overlooked easily, especially during times of change and transition, but studies show that employee engagement increases when there is recognition. I love that NISOD helps us not only maintain but increase our employee engagement through this much needed member benefit.

What tips can you give other liaisons for helping their colleagues get the most out of their NISOD membership?
Read the material that gets sent out from NISOD. The newsletters contain useful information. Ask the questions. Everyone that I have interacted with within the NISOD organization is knowledgeable about their offerings and content and goes out of their way to help. We should never underestimate the power of answering someone’s questions in a positive and timely manner.

Spotlight Recipient PhotoElizabeth Holmes
Harford Community College

What is your job title?
Coordinator of CETL (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning) and Professor of English and Transitional Studies

What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love working with new faculty, adjuncts, and historically underserved students. I work with a wide variety of people every day.

How long have you been at your college?
I have been at the college for 17 years.

What's happening at your college that inspires you?
Our CETL has really focused on adjunct instructors the last few years. There is standardized onboarding, an advisory board, and paid PD opportunities for them. We strive to help adjuncts feel connected to campus and to the full-time faculty.

Do you have a book or movie that you would recommend?
Chop Wood, Carry Water by Joshua Medcalf.

What's your favorite NISOD member benefit?
I love celebrating our innovative faculty and staff through the Excellence Awards.

What tips can you give other liaisons for helping their colleagues get the most out of their NISOD membership?
My tip is to spend time each week exploring the NISOD website and sharing information with the campus at large.