NISOD Annual Virtual Conference banner image

Proposal Submission

Deadline to Submit: March 21, 2025

NISOD is currently accepting proposals to present at the Annual Conference, to be held May 24-27, 2025. Join your colleagues from across the globe to learn and share best and promising practices that increase student success at community and technical colleges.

Questions? Email Kris Tolman at

    Presenters will be listed here. Click the "Add Presenter" to add presenters to your proposal.
Session Overview
Please enter as title case. The session title should clearly convey the topic and capture attendees' interest in just a few words.
Key Takeaways/Learning Outcomes

This section should contain three practical insights or skills participants gain by participating.

Session Abstract

Provide additional information not included in the session description that provides more details of the content of your presentation for the proposal review committee. Items to include:

Describe the purpose or goal of the presentation.
Provide the specific topics or issues that will be addressed.
Provide an overview of any research, approach, or framework used.
Describe how you will engage participants.
Describe how the session will benefit or interest participants.
Have you presented this session before?

Is anyone participating in this presentation representing, being sponsored by, or being paid by a for-profit company/entity?
