NISOD schedules a series of year-round, high-quality, and thought-provoking one-hour webinars. Led by community and technical college leaders and other experts in the field, NISOD webinars enable faculty, staff, and administrators to conveniently learn about best practices and cutting-edge research related to effective teaching and student success. Each webinar, a free benefit for NISOD-member colleges, includes timely, learning-focused, and action-oriented objectives that help faculty members improve their teaching techniques for online, hybrid, blended, and face-to-face courses. Proposals are reviewed using the following criteria:
The following information is needed to complete the webinar application. You must complete the form all at once, so we recommend putting this information in a Word document and then transferring it over to the form once you have all the information needed.
Note: NISOD maintains a high standard for its webinars. Any webinar submitted for NISOD’s approval must meet our standards. Please review these tips on creating effective presentation slides before creating your webinar presentation.
Upon submission of this form, you will receive an immediate email confirming that your webinar information has been received. Please allow 1-2 weeks for processing.