On-Demand Webinars after June 29 are housed in our Learning Management System and can be found here.

15 Mar, 2015

Critical Thinking in Action: A Step-by–Step Approach to Using Content to Construct Argumentative Essays in Any Class


Critical Thinking in Action: A Step-by–Step Approach to Using Content to Construct Argumentative Essays in Any Class This webinar begins with a summary of research that shows the specific flaws in how people use evidence. Next, the facilitator provides an overview of the single methodology that has shown measureable gains in critical thinking skills. Building [...]

Critical Thinking in Action: A Step-by–Step Approach to Using Content to Construct Argumentative Essays in Any Class2017-06-16T01:21:29-05:00
15 Feb, 2015

Building Academic Tenacity


Building Academic Tenacity According to Dr. Gregory Walton of Stanford University, academic tenacity is not about being smart, but about learning smart. Webinar participants review the implications of using psychological interventions to address student achievement gaps with practical classroom examples used over two semesters. Student success rates are also discussed. Specifically, participants explore psychological factors [...]

Building Academic Tenacity2017-06-16T01:21:32-05:00
15 Jan, 2015

Engaging Higher Education Students Using Differentiated Instruction


Engaging Higher Education Students Using Differentiated Instruction Differentiated Instruction is an instructional theory that allows faculty members to take diverse student factors into account when planning and delivering instruction. Based on this theory, faculty members can structure engage higher education learning environments that address the variety of learning styles, interests, and abilities found within their [...]

Engaging Higher Education Students Using Differentiated Instruction2017-06-16T01:21:36-05:00
5 Dec, 2013

Instructional Strategies: Engaging All Learners


Instructional Strategies: Engaging All Learners This webinar highlights researched-based instructional strategies designed to help instructors move away from PowerPoint and lecture to create a more dynamic learning environment. Strategies include name tents; think-pair-share; collaborative clock partners, review-preview-review—a scaffolding strategy; and 10-2-2, direct questioning and wait time, and exit tickets—a formative assessment strategy. Participants [...]

Instructional Strategies: Engaging All Learners2017-06-16T01:23:44-05:00
5 Dec, 2013

Engaging Practices, Engaging Students: High-Impact Practices in Community Colleges


Engaging Practices, Engaging Students: High-Impact Practices in Community Colleges Based on findings from focus groups conducted in colleges across the nation and the integration of results from its four complementary survey instruments, The Center for Community College Student Engagement shares its findings about high-impact educational practices and how these practices are related to [...]

Engaging Practices, Engaging Students: High-Impact Practices in Community Colleges2017-06-16T01:23:53-05:00