On-Demand Webinars after June 29 are housed in our Learning Management System and can be found here.

28 Mar, 2017

Collaboration: Connect With Me


Collaboration: Connect With Me In our global world, what methods do we use to communicate and are those methods effective? There is a saying that mobile devices allow us to connect with people half a world away, while ignoring people just across the table. As instructors, we challenge our students to communicate with each [...]

Collaboration: Connect With Me2017-06-16T01:12:36-05:00
9 Mar, 2017

Action Learning in the Classroom


Action Learning in the Classroom Action learning, an interactive dialectic-based approach, is an educational method that engages students in the process of defining, redefining, and solving real-life problems. This webinar identifies strategies to create a classroom experience that enables critical thinking and engages students through team-focused learning. Action learning requires direct participation, so [...]

Action Learning in the Classroom2017-06-16T01:13:02-05:00
16 Feb, 2017

Paradigm Shift: (Re)Envisioning the Role of Department Chairs


Paradigm Shift: (Re)Envisioning the Role of Department Chairs Are you a new or current department chair? Led by two leaders in higher education, this webinar explores the role department chairs play in institutions and introduces tools necessary for effective leadership. Every department chair is confronted with a variety of challenges: course schedule formation, faculty professional [...]

Paradigm Shift: (Re)Envisioning the Role of Department Chairs2017-06-16T01:13:35-05:00
9 Feb, 2017

Collaboration Island… Building Connections Between Students


Collaboration Island… Building Connections Between Students This interactive and fast-paced webinar focuses on practical strategies, tools, and techniques to encourage student collaboration in and out of the classroom. Whether your students love working together, hate working together, or are somewhere in between, you will learn strategies to engage all students in team projects, [...]

Collaboration Island… Building Connections Between Students2017-06-16T01:13:42-05:00
19 Jan, 2017

Online Courses: Increasing Learning Effectiveness


Online Courses: Increasing Learning Effectiveness This webinar provides insight into issues involving online courses, what students and teachers say about online learning, and how to use this information to deliver online courses effectively. Additionally, the webinar discusses the three key aspects of online learning: learning objectives, detailing content, and delivering content. When more [...]

Online Courses: Increasing Learning Effectiveness2017-06-16T01:13:51-05:00
1 Dec, 2016

Teach Students How to Learn: Metacognition is the Key!


Teach Students How to Learn: Metacognition is the Key! Today’s students come to college with widely varying academic skills, interests, and motivation levels. Faculty often lament that students are focused on achieving high grades, but do not want to spend time learning. Most students think that memorizing information before an examination is tantamount [...]

Teach Students How to Learn: Metacognition is the Key!2017-06-16T01:14:04-05:00
15 Nov, 2016

Included, Involved, Inspired: Strategies for Collaboration and Engagement


Included, Involved, Inspired: Strategies for Collaboration and Engagement Are you buzzing with new ideas to increase student retention, but struggle with implementation? Are you an administrator searching for ways to engage adjunct faculty in the strategic plan of your institution and your initiatives for student success? Or are you an adjunct faculty member [...]

Included, Involved, Inspired: Strategies for Collaboration and Engagement2017-06-16T01:14:10-05:00
10 Nov, 2016

Is Fair Grading Futile? Exploring a New Type of Assessment


Is Fair Grading Futile? Exploring a New Type of Assessment How confident are we in believing our assessments are graded fairly? For many educators, assessment is one of the more time-consuming, difficult, and even frustrating parts of the teaching side of education. During this webinar, learn and explore how to grade more fairly [...]

Is Fair Grading Futile? Exploring a New Type of Assessment2017-06-16T01:14:16-05:00
18 Oct, 2016

Building the Family Circle


Building the Family Circle We all like being part of a family—something larger than ourselves of which we can be part, a group we can count on to have our backs, or someone we can call when we need help. Connecting with others to build a family requires networking. As educators, we build our [...]

Building the Family Circle2017-06-16T01:14:39-05:00
12 Oct, 2016

Empowering Faculty With Course-Level Data to Drive Institutional Change


Empowering Faculty With Course-Level Data to Drive Institutional Change Giving faculty access to all course-level data has been nothing short of revolutionary for the culture of Pierce College. We knew that sending student success data to faculty would not be enough. The college sought to provide faculty with direct access to their own [...]

Empowering Faculty With Course-Level Data to Drive Institutional Change2017-06-16T01:14:45-05:00