26 Jul, 2018

NISOD-Member Colleges Celebrate Excellence Award Recipients on their Campuses


  Since 1991, NISOD has provided NISOD-member colleges with the opportunity to recognize individuals doing extraordinary work on their campuses with the NISOD Excellence Awards. Held during NISOD’s annual conference, Excellence Awards recipients are recognized and honored during the Excellence Awards Dinner and Celebration. Often times, in addition to attending the Excellence Awards Dinner and [...]

NISOD-Member Colleges Celebrate Excellence Award Recipients on their Campuses2022-10-31T16:43:42-05:00
19 Apr, 2018

Community College Timeline From 1970s to 2010s


While most of us have grown up with community colleges in our backyards, they are a relatively new phenomenon in higher education, having evolved in the early part of the 20th century. NISOD was formed in 1978. Since then, community colleges have continued to play an  integral role in higher education. Take a look back on [...]

Community College Timeline From 1970s to 2010s2019-11-12T01:58:12-06:00