7 Feb, 2019

Innovation Abstracts – The 411


Innovation Abstracts – The 411   Maybe you read Innovation Abstracts weekly in our members-only newsletter every Thursday (if you’re not on the list, sign up here!), or maybe you’re accessing individual articles through the posts we share across social media. Maybe you prefer to log into [...]

Innovation Abstracts – The 4112022-10-31T16:43:45-05:00
4 Feb, 2019

Saving by Engaging


Saving by Engaging   You’re already engaging with your NISOD member benefits, but did you know that the perks don’t stop there? Now you do, and you’ll know exactly when and how with our cheat sheet of all the ways that you can squeeze the most [...]

Saving by Engaging2022-10-31T16:43:44-05:00
29 Jan, 2019

Five Reasons to Co-Host a Campus or Regional Workshop


Five Reasons to Co-Host a Campus or Regional Workshop NISOD’s collection of workshops, designed for community and technical college educators, are a great way to reinvigorate classrooms and curricula that may be feeling a bit stale. NISOD’s workshops are also an outstanding way to bring together [...]

Five Reasons to Co-Host a Campus or Regional Workshop2022-10-31T16:43:44-05:00
10 Dec, 2018

Three Things NISOD Loved About Turning 40


Three Things NISOD Loved About Turning 40 Summarizing Our 40th Year NISOD was formed in 1978—meaning we celebrated our 40th year over the course of 2018! Though turning 40 may not be a milestone everyone eagerly awaits, there are so many wonderful endeavors and memories over the past [...]

Three Things NISOD Loved About Turning 402022-10-31T16:43:43-05:00
25 Oct, 2018

How to Increase Participation in NISOD’s Student Contests at Your College


Want to help your students win $1,000? By entering our Student Essay Contest and Student Graphic Design Contest, students at NISOD member colleges have the opportunity to receive $1,000 and complimentary travel to Austin to be recognized for their talents during our annual conference.Needs ideas for increasing your students’ awareness and participation in NISOD’s student [...]

How to Increase Participation in NISOD’s Student Contests at Your College2022-10-31T16:43:43-05:00
26 Jul, 2018

NISOD-Member Colleges Celebrate Excellence Award Recipients on their Campuses


  Since 1991, NISOD has provided NISOD-member colleges with the opportunity to recognize individuals doing extraordinary work on their campuses with the NISOD Excellence Awards. Held during NISOD’s annual conference, Excellence Awards recipients are recognized and honored during the Excellence Awards Dinner and Celebration. Often times, in addition to attending the Excellence Awards Dinner and [...]

NISOD-Member Colleges Celebrate Excellence Award Recipients on their Campuses2022-10-31T16:43:42-05:00
19 Apr, 2018

Community College Timeline From 1970s to 2010s


While most of us have grown up with community colleges in our backyards, they are a relatively new phenomenon in higher education, having evolved in the early part of the 20th century. NISOD was formed in 1978. Since then, community colleges have continued to play an  integral role in higher education. Take a look back on [...]

Community College Timeline From 1970s to 2010s2019-11-12T01:58:12-06:00
4 Apr, 2018

NISOD Members Celebrate Community College Month


Community College Month April is Community College Month, a time to celebrate the accomplishments and successes happening every day at community colleges. According to the American Association of Community Colleges, “Nearly half of all undergraduates in the United States attend community colleges with good reason. These open-access institutions serve a diverse student population [...]

NISOD Members Celebrate Community College Month2022-10-31T16:43:42-05:00
16 Mar, 2018

Faculty Conference Scholarship Recipients


Meet the 2018 Faculty Conference Scholarship Recipients Read how the five Faculty Conference Scholarship recipients exhibit values that reflect NISOD’s mission of promoting and celebrating excellence in teaching, learning, and leadership at community and technical colleges! Laura Fry Institution: Estrella Mountain Community College, Avondale, AZ Disciplines: Psychology and Sociology [...]

Faculty Conference Scholarship Recipients2022-10-31T16:43:41-05:00