NISOD Press Releases

25 Nov, 2015

NISOD to Celebrate 25th Anniversary of Excellence Awards


NISOD to Celebrate 25th Anniversary of Excellence Awards Twenty-fifth annual NISOD Excellence Awards Dinner and Celebration to recognize faculty, administrators, and staff who are a testament to the important work done every day on community and technical college campuses. In 2016, the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) will celebrate the 25th year [...]

NISOD to Celebrate 25th Anniversary of Excellence Awards2017-06-16T01:18:46-05:00
29 Oct, 2015

Cengage Learning and NISOD Make Online Professional Development Materials Available to Adjunct Faculty


Cengage Learning and NISOD Make Online Professional Development Materials Available to Adjunct Faculty Expanded Partnership Demonstrates Joint Commitment to Adjunct Faculty Boston, Mass., Oct. 29, 2015 – Recognizing the growing need for adjunct support, Cengage Learning, a global education company, is expanding its partnership with the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD), a [...]

Cengage Learning and NISOD Make Online Professional Development Materials Available to Adjunct Faculty2017-06-16T01:19:28-05:00
25 Sep, 2015

2016 Scott Wright Student Essay Contest


2016 Scott Wright Student Essay Contest NISOD and Community College Week Announce the 2016 Scott Wright Student Essay Contest NISOD and its partner Community College Week are pleased to announce the opening of the annual Scott Wright Student Essay Contest held in honor of Scott Wright, past editor of Community College Week, and recipient [...]

2016 Scott Wright Student Essay Contest2017-06-16T01:19:52-05:00
5 May, 2015

2015 Scott Wright Student Essay Contest – Winners


2015 Scott Wright Student Essay Contest - Winners NISOD is proud to announce the winners of the 2015 Scott Wright Student Essay Contest!  Diablo Valley College Read the winning essay by Dottie Pratchard Dottie Pratchard Student Tom Leal Instructor, English Peter Garcia President Indian River State College Read the winning essay by Andrew Caputo [...]

2015 Scott Wright Student Essay Contest – Winners2022-03-25T10:05:47-05:00
10 Feb, 2014

Community Colleges Recognize Their Outstanding Faculty, Administrators, and Staff


Community Colleges Recognize Their Outstanding Faculty, Administrators, and Staff The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) is pleased to announce that its member community and technical colleges have submitted the names of more than 900 faculty, staff, and administrators to receive the NISOD Excellence Award, the most coveted award among community and technical [...]

Community Colleges Recognize Their Outstanding Faculty, Administrators, and Staff2017-06-16T01:23:24-05:00