Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

2 Mar, 2021

Instructional Scaffolding in the Tutoring Center: A Student Support Approach


Volume XLIII, No. 7 | March 4, 2021 Instructional Scaffolding in the Tutoring Center: A Student Support Approach Like most people, the earliest form of instruction I received in grade school could be typified as objectivism. The teacher stood at the front of the classroom, usually with an overhead projector, and [...]

Instructional Scaffolding in the Tutoring Center: A Student Support Approach2021-03-03T19:34:26-06:00
23 Feb, 2021

Engaging Students in a Virtual Classroom


Volume XLIII, No. 6 | February 25, 2020 Engaging Students in a Virtual Classroom Teaching during a pandemic has brought a whole new list of concerns to my classroom. Specifically, it has demanded I learn an entirely new set of skills to manage technology and facilitate student engagement. In a typical [...]

Engaging Students in a Virtual Classroom2021-02-23T20:26:30-06:00
14 Feb, 2021

How to Break the Ice Online


Volume XLIII, No. 5 | February 18, 2021 How to Break the Ice Online One of the biggest challenges asynchronous, online instructors face is getting students to connect with them as a real person. Often, students view their online instructors as robots, someone who gives assignments and provides grades, but is [...]

How to Break the Ice Online2022-06-27T08:32:57-05:00
9 Feb, 2021

When a Language Instructor Becomes a Language Learner: Reflections and Insights


  Volume XLIII, No. 4 | February 11, 2021 When a Language Instructor Becomes a Language Learner: Reflections and Insights Learning something new is a valuable experience for college educators in any field. As experts, we often forget how we once learned. When we experience learning something new, and when we [...]

When a Language Instructor Becomes a Language Learner: Reflections and Insights2021-02-22T16:20:36-06:00
1 Feb, 2021

Meeting of the Minds: Using Linked Courses to Increase Retention and Completion


Volume XLIII, No. 3 | February 4, 2020 Meeting of the Minds: Using Linked Courses to Increase Retention and Completion In light of the continued educational challenges brought on by the pandemic, new ways of keeping students engaged in their educational journeys are in the forefront of faculty’s minds. At Harford [...]

Meeting of the Minds: Using Linked Courses to Increase Retention and Completion2021-02-02T20:01:54-06:00
26 Jan, 2021

Pivoting in a Time of Pandemic: The Faculty Experience


Volume XLIII, No. 2 | January 28, 2020 Pivoting in a Time of Pandemic: The Faculty Experience Across the landscape of American higher education, there exist over 1,000 two-year colleges. These institutions account for 23 percent of all colleges and universities while educating 29 percent of their students (Carnegie Classification of [...]

Pivoting in a Time of Pandemic: The Faculty Experience2021-01-26T22:37:04-06:00
19 Jan, 2021

Five Ways to Make Your Online Foreign Language Content More Brain-Friendly


Volume XLIII, No. 1 | January 21, 2020 Five Ways to Make Your Online Foreign Language Content More Brain-Friendly Between the threat of COVID, national unrest, and the stress of everyday life, students are experiencing an unprecedented amount of information overload and anxiety. Neuroscience has taught us that our brains do [...]

Five Ways to Make Your Online Foreign Language Content More Brain-Friendly2021-01-19T22:33:46-06:00
8 Dec, 2020

Building a Classroom Culture of Gratitude


Volume XLII, No. 47 | December 10, 2020 Building a Classroom Culture of Gratitude The problem with great ideas is finding the time to learn about them and implement them in the classroom. But building a culture of gratitude in the classroom can be done little by little each day, in [...]

Building a Classroom Culture of Gratitude2020-12-09T21:37:06-06:00
1 Dec, 2020

Student-Centered Guidance for Encouraging Inclusive, Online Learning Environments


Volume XLII, No. 46 | December 3, 2020 Student-Centered Guidance for Encouraging Inclusive, Online Learning Environments “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden Wherever and whatever a student studies, the chances are now higher than ever they will take an online course for [...]

Student-Centered Guidance for Encouraging Inclusive, Online Learning Environments2020-12-02T22:01:59-06:00
16 Nov, 2020

Let’s Show Compassion and Empathy to Our Students While Diversifying Our Online Courses


Volume XLII, No. 45 | November 26, 2020 Let’s Show Compassion and Empathy to Our Students While Diversifying Our Online Courses The pandemic thrust many instructors into an online environment for which they were unprepared. Prior to COVID-19, teaching online required several hours of training and time spent designing course content [...]

Let’s Show Compassion and Empathy to Our Students While Diversifying Our Online Courses2020-12-02T16:25:23-06:00