Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

17 Sep, 2010

Seamless Performance Alert Intervention System (PAIS): Accountability and Outcomes


Volume XXXII, No. 19 | September 17, 2010 Seamless Performance Alert Intervention System (PAIS): Accountability and Outcomes The issues of accountability and outcomes are critical to improving student success and retention. As a result of targeted efforts to address ongoing declines in retention, Baltimore City Community College is successfully reversing this trend through [...]

Seamless Performance Alert Intervention System (PAIS): Accountability and Outcomes2022-10-31T16:35:31-05:00
10 Sep, 2010

21st Century Technology and Pedagogy


Volume XXXII, No. 18 | September 10, 2010 21st Century Technology and Pedagogy When I started teaching college some years ago, my only teaching methodology was lecture. This, of course, I learned from my teachers and my teachers from theirs. Moreover, the only technological support tools available were overhead projectors, videos, and hand-held [...]

21st Century Technology and Pedagogy2022-10-31T16:35:30-05:00
3 Sep, 2010

Common Read: A Community of Learners


Volume XXXII, No. 17 | September 3, 2010 Common Read: A Community of Learners Experienced instructors have long recognized that reading well means being able to enter into useful, shared conversations with others. These conversations allow students to express their own ideas and to do so in an informed way as a response [...]

Common Read: A Community of Learners2022-10-31T16:35:27-05:00
27 Aug, 2010

How Hurricane Katrina Changed Me as a Teacher


Volume XXXII, No. 16 | August 27, 2010 How Hurricane Katrina Changed Me as a Teacher Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29, 2005. The day afterwards, the 17th Street canal levees broke. The break was three blocks away from our modest home on Bellaire Drive. My husband, his family, and I [...]

How Hurricane Katrina Changed Me as a Teacher2022-10-31T16:35:30-05:00
7 May, 2010

Team-Based Learning


Volume XXXII, No. 15 | May 7, 2010 Team-Based Learning I could never quite understand why students who come to class every day, hand in their assignments on time, and ask questions during lectures performed poorly on exams. I assumed that by merely sitting in class and listening to the lectures they would [...]

Team-Based Learning2022-10-31T16:35:29-05:00
30 Apr, 2010

Adding Fun to the Assessment of Learning Outcomes


Volume XXXII, No. 14 | April 30, 2010 Adding Fun to the Assessment of Learning Outcomes Most foreign language conversation classes are heterogeneous, no matter the prerequisites. The instructor is faced with various issues, including how to create activities that help students progress at various skill levels without boring the advanced students and [...]

Adding Fun to the Assessment of Learning Outcomes2022-10-31T16:35:29-05:00
23 Apr, 2010

The Nursing Troupe: Healthcare Learning from Theatre


Volume XXXII, No. 13 | April 23, 2010 The Nursing Troupe: Healthcare Learning from Theatre Problem “I’m afraid to talk to those patients; I don’t know what to say to them.” These remarks are shared by associate degree nursing students as they prepare for psychiatric clinical experiences. Students often are afraid to talk [...]

The Nursing Troupe: Healthcare Learning from Theatre2022-10-31T16:35:28-05:00
16 Apr, 2010



Volume XXXII, No. 12 | April 16, 2010 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT FROM OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM I began my teaching career in 1970, when I was hired by the Irving Independent School District. I majored in P.E. and English, and my teaching assignment was to coach sports and teach seventh-grade English. Crockett Junior High was [...]

9 Apr, 2010

Things I Wish I Learned the First Year


Volume XXXII, No. 11 | April 9, 2010 Things I Wish I Learned the First Year This Will Not Be Your Last Syllabus. I must admit that the first time I wrote a syllabus, it did not occur to me that I would be creating hundreds more, similar and different, as well as [...]

Things I Wish I Learned the First Year2022-10-31T16:35:27-05:00
2 Apr, 2010

Economic and Environmental Sustainability: Active Learning Approaches


Volume XXXII, No. 10 | April 2, 2010 Economic and Environmental Sustainability: Active Learning Approaches Active learning may take many forms, from lecture and discussion to service learning, but it intends to have students apply what they are learning. Faculty members across the curriculum at Pensacola Junior College (PJC)engage students in active learning [...]

Economic and Environmental Sustainability: Active Learning Approaches2022-10-31T16:35:26-05:00