Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

9 Sep, 2011

Traditional Note-Taking Meets Innovative Note-Creating


Volume XXXIII, No. 18 | September 9, 2011 Traditional Note-Taking Meets Innovative Note-Creating Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, as the old adage goes. However, this “monkey-see, monkey-do” mentality has not transferred to effective note-taking skills that today’s students seem to lack. It’s a frustratingly perennial issue: students arrive to class, [...]

Traditional Note-Taking Meets Innovative Note-Creating2022-10-31T16:35:41-05:00
2 Sep, 2011

Can You Help Me Unpack?


Volume XXXIII, No. 17 | September 2, 2011 Can You Help Me Unpack? Overview: The 2010 American College Health Association’s National College Health Assessment (ACHA-NCHA) survey of over 99,000 college students indicates that students report stress/anxiety as the #1 factor that impacts their academic success and ability to complete college. Through situational and [...]

Can You Help Me Unpack?2022-10-31T16:35:44-05:00
26 Aug, 2011

I Am a Community College Student


Volume XXXIII, No. 16 | August 26, 2011 I Am a Community College Student Every day in every way we educators get better and better at what we do: improving and expanding the lives of our students. The reason we do this work is much more important to us than helping the U.S. [...]

I Am a Community College Student2022-10-31T16:35:44-05:00
6 May, 2011

Developing a Framework of Support for Adjunct Faculty: Collaboration between Stakeholders


Volume XXXIII, No. 15 | May 6, 2011 Developing a Framework of Support for Adjunct Faculty: Collaboration between Stakeholders One of the biggest challenges that many colleges face is finding a way to communicate regularly with adjunct faculty about departmental guidelines and expectations about the courses they teach. Like many colleges, Cuyahoga Community [...]

Developing a Framework of Support for Adjunct Faculty: Collaboration between Stakeholders2022-10-31T16:35:44-05:00
29 Apr, 2011

Can We Talk?: Facilitating Successful Faculty-Student Visits


Volume XXXIII, No. 14 | April 29, 2011 Can We Talk?: Facilitating Successful Faculty-Student Visits Lack of engagement between students and faculty has been a personal and professional concern for some time. Over the years I have noticed that many students who were experiencing problems in my classes either waited too long [...]

Can We Talk?: Facilitating Successful Faculty-Student Visits2022-10-31T16:35:43-05:00
22 Apr, 2011

An ACAdemic Approach to Redesigning Faculty Professional Development


Volume XXXIII, No. 13 | April 22, 2011 An ACAdemic Approach to Redesigning Faculty Professional Development San Jacinto College (SJC) began requiring a faculty certification course to teach online and hybrid courses in spring 2006. This initial course focused on general instructional theory and training for the learning management system and supporting tools. [...]

An ACAdemic Approach to Redesigning Faculty Professional Development2022-10-31T16:35:43-05:00
15 Apr, 2011

Building a Community in a College Classroom


Volume XXXIII, No. 12 | April 15, 2011 Building a Community in a College Classroom Aristotle once said that man is a social animal, and modern research confirms that people thrive best in an environment to which they feel connected. No matter how esthetically pleasing, any environment soon becomes dull and meaningless if [...]

Building a Community in a College Classroom2022-10-31T16:35:42-05:00
8 Apr, 2011

Roll Call for Learning


Volume XXXIII, No. 11 | April 8, 2011 Roll Call for Learning One student lamented that he had attended a class for an entire semester and uttered only one word: here. Taking attendance is a requirement for federal student aid. Funds start when a student begins to attend class and may have to [...]

Roll Call for Learning2022-10-31T16:35:41-05:00
1 Apr, 2011

A Culinary Program for the 21st Century: A Success Story


Volume XXXIII, No. 10 | April 1, 2011 A Culinary Program for the 21st Century: A Success Story In spring 2008, the Professional Cooking (PCK) program of the SAIT School of Hospitality and Tourism undertook a major redesign initiative, prompted by several factors. It had been over five years since the program had [...]

A Culinary Program for the 21st Century: A Success Story2022-10-31T16:35:40-05:00
11 Mar, 2011



Volume XXXIII, No. 8 | March 11, 2011 A SUPPORT GROUP FOR STUDENTS WHO STUTTER Our students engage in activities in which they are required to speak throughout each day—asking questions, interacting with classmates, communicating with customers at their jobs, and interacting with family members. Students’ grades, in some courses, may be based [...]