Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

26 Oct, 2012

Students, Economic “Fiaster” and….

2022-10-31T16:35:59-05:00October 26th, 2012|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXIV, No. 24 | October 26, 2012 Students, Economic "Fiaster" and.... The current economy has spawned a “fiaster” (fiasco and disaster) in many students' lives. Some students barely subsist. Others struggle to make ends meet. Though newsworthy, this is not news. Rather, it appears to be a long-term and punishing reality. One [...]

19 Oct, 2012

I Hate to Read

2022-10-31T16:35:59-05:00October 19th, 2012|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXIV, No. 23 | October 19, 2012 I Hate to Read Research confirms that a central component of breaking through the remedial wall is to get students to read. Without the ability to read, students have no pathway to progress and success. Language is at the core of academic study, and it [...]

12 Oct, 2012

The Peer Review Course

2022-10-31T16:35:58-05:00October 12th, 2012|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXIV, No. 22 | October 12, 2012 The Peer Review Course While in the process of flipping my English composition classroom from a writing class to a lecture class, I hit upon an activity that altered the way the class would run for the rest of the semester. I had set up [...]

5 Oct, 2012

Improving Teaching Effectiveness Through Self-Observation

2022-10-31T16:35:58-05:00October 5th, 2012|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXIV, No. 21 | October 5, 2012 Improving Teaching Effectiveness Through Self-Observation Teachers are accustomed to being observed by their students, by their supervisors, and occasionally by their peers. However, feedback from these observations is limited. Student reactions usually are not documented until the term has nearly ended. Supervisory observation, for the [...]

29 Sep, 2012

Going Officeless

2022-10-31T16:35:58-05:00September 29th, 2012|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXIV, No. 20 | September 29, 2012 Going Officeless Vision During a period of increasing community demand for service and declining external support, community colleges around the country are “doing more with less.” In times like these, it becomes tremendously important to be entrepreneurial, rather than retreat to compromised services at the [...]

22 Sep, 2012

Year Up: Social Entrepreneurship and the Community College

2022-10-31T16:35:57-05:00September 22nd, 2012|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXIV, No. 19 | September 22, 2012 Year Up: Social Entrepreneurship and the Community College Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) is a medium-sized public, urban-serving single-college, multi-campus system, located in the mid-Atlantic region. Year Up (YU) is a non-profit organization designed to provide participating youth with continuing education, guidance, skill development, and [...]

15 Sep, 2012

The Return of the Abacus in Teaching Subtraction? Correcting the Almost-Correct

2022-10-31T16:35:57-05:00September 15th, 2012|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXIV, No. 18 | September 15, 2012 The Return of the Abacus in Teaching Subtraction? Correcting the Almost-Correct A child’s subtraction error is noted on page 71 of the text Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (Bassarear, 5th ed.). The problem is 52 –16, and the child’s answer is 44. The question to [...]

7 Sep, 2012

Does a Fiscal Austerity Measure Mitigate Academic Excellence?

2022-10-31T16:35:57-05:00September 7th, 2012|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXIV, No. 17 | September 7, 2012 Does a Fiscal Austerity Measure Mitigate Academic Excellence? Sustaining academic excellence in lab science classes amid fiscal austerity measures is a formidable task. With existing and imminent national and local fiscal programs dwindling and impinging upon the limited academic resources for learning communities, it is [...]

31 Aug, 2012

The Role of Blogging in Learning Support Writing Classes

2022-10-31T16:35:56-05:00August 31st, 2012|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXIV, No. 16 | August 31, 2012 The Role of Blogging in Learning Support Writing Classes In 2006, I introduced blogging to my freshman composition class as a way to showcase the skills students learned during the semester. The blog—a public journal maintained on the Internet and available for reading and commentary [...]