Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

7 Mar, 2014

A Call for a Practical Curriculum in Higher Education


Volume XXXVI, No. 8 | March 7, 2014 A Call for a Practical Curriculum in Higher Education The various hierarchal levels in a corporate business and business mergers, countless statistical formulas for probability, and, of course, accounting, are just a few of the topics covered while working on my bachelor’s degree in [...]

A Call for a Practical Curriculum in Higher Education2022-10-31T16:36:45-05:00
28 Feb, 2014

On Layers, Loops, and Learning


Volume XXXVI, No. 7 | February 28, 2014 On Layers, Loops, and Learning Over the past decade we have made huge strides in understanding the wonders of brain development. If there are a hundred billion neurons and every neuron has the possibility of one to 10,000 synaptic connections to other neurons, the complexities, [...]

On Layers, Loops, and Learning2022-10-31T16:36:45-05:00
21 Feb, 2014



Volume XXXVI, No. 6 | February 21, 2014 PEDAGOGY BEFORE TECHNOLOGY: TEACHING AND LEARNING WITH THE DIGITAL GENERATION Tertiary education in Western society is seeing the impact of a new generation of students known as the Digital Generation. Although definitions vary somewhat by source, this generation, also known throughout literature as the Millennial [...]

14 Feb, 2014

Promoting Critical Thinking and Active Learning by “Teaching Backwards”


Volume XXXVI, No. 5 | February 14, 2014 Promoting Critical Thinking and Active Learning by “Teaching Backwards” “Teaching Backwards” is an instructional method that explores cause-and-effect relationships by examining a series of connected events, starting with the last event first and proceeding backwards. Inspired by the movie “Memento,” this method promotes critical thinking [...]

Promoting Critical Thinking and Active Learning by “Teaching Backwards”2022-10-31T16:36:44-05:00
7 Feb, 2014

Armored in the Student Role


Volume XXXVI, No. 4 | February 7, 2014 Armored in the Student Role While in graduate school, a classmate of mine would continually ask the professor, “Will this be on the test?” and, “Do I need to know this?” At the time, I considered it a little rude, and perhaps a little [...]

Armored in the Student Role2022-10-31T16:36:43-05:00
31 Jan, 2014

Students’ Questions Open New Paths to Explore


Volume XXXVI, No. 3 | January 31, 2014 Students' Questions Open New Paths to Explore In "Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers," a course for pre-service teachers, I decided that the homework would always be the same. The students would ask three questions using the following format: "My question is…" and "I ask it [...]

Students’ Questions Open New Paths to Explore2022-10-31T16:36:42-05:00
24 Jan, 2014

Eliminate the Need for Textbooks by Leveraging Professional Organizations


Volume XXXVI, No. 2 | January 24, 2014 Eliminate the Need for Textbooks by Leveraging Professional Organizations Course materials must be updated continually in order for professional and technical programs to stay current with industry and to ensure students are graduating with the necessary skills. But, textbooks are a big expense for students, [...]

Eliminate the Need for Textbooks by Leveraging Professional Organizations2022-10-31T16:36:42-05:00
17 Jan, 2014

Time for Fun and Games?


Volume XXXVI, No. 1 | January 17, 2014 Time for Fun and Games? My students are engaged in a heated argument about the words "therefore," "as a result," "so," and "thus." What do the words have in common? What question can they devise to explain their relationship? More significantly, why do these [...]

Time for Fun and Games?2022-10-31T16:36:42-05:00
6 Dec, 2013

The Sandbox—Not Just an Instructional Materials Resource Center


Volume XXXV, No. 29 | December 6, 2013 The Sandbox—Not Just an Instructional Materials Resource Center Background Lone Star College-CyFair opened its doors in 2003 as a one-campus/two-location concept. The idea was to have two locations—a bigger campus that the majority of the students would attend and a smaller location that would be easily accessible from [...]

The Sandbox—Not Just an Instructional Materials Resource Center2022-10-31T16:36:41-05:00
27 Nov, 2013

A Community College and School District Special Education Partnership


Volume XXXV, No. 27 | November 15, 2013 A Community College and School District Special Education Partnership In spring 2012, Parkland Area School District (PASD) approached Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC) about developing a learning support class on the LCCC campus to help the PASD special education students better transition into the community. [...]

A Community College and School District Special Education Partnership2022-10-31T16:36:37-05:00