Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

12 Sep, 2014

Lesson Delivery: What Every Instructor Can Do Everyday


Volume XXXVI, No. 18 | September 12, 2014 Lesson Delivery: What Every Instructor Can Do Everyday At the heart of every good lesson lies a good plan. Regardless of how the plan is documented, educational preparatory programs, insist on a teacher's ability to create and implement well thought out lesson plans prior to [...]

Lesson Delivery: What Every Instructor Can Do Everyday2022-10-31T16:36:50-05:00
5 Sep, 2014

Using a Foreign Language to Teach Document Design


Volume XXXVI, No. 17 | September 5, 2014 Using a Foreign Language to Teach Document Design Since I began teaching technical writing with computers 20 years ago, I have discovered that no matter how intelligent my students are, they still struggle to create a specified format. Part of the problem is created by [...]

Using a Foreign Language to Teach Document Design2022-10-31T16:36:50-05:00
29 Aug, 2014

Building More Comprehensive Community College Success Metrics: Why Completing a Degree Is Not the Only Way to Succeed


Volume XXXVI, No. 16 | August 29, 2014 Building More Comprehensive Community College Success Metrics: Why Completing a Degree Is Not the Only Way to Succeed Recent research on the California community college system has revealed that workforce-training programs yield some of the highest earnings for community college students, regardless of whether those students [...]

Building More Comprehensive Community College Success Metrics: Why Completing a Degree Is Not the Only Way to Succeed2022-10-31T16:36:49-05:00
2 May, 2014

If You Feed Them, They Will Come: Ten Commandments of Successful Professional Enrichment


Volume XXXVI, No. 15 | May 2, 2014 If You Feed Them, They Will Come: Ten Commandments of Successful Professional Enrichment Phase I: Professional Development Two years ago Nash Community College embarked on a campuswide, strategic professional development plan via AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination). This comprehensive professional development included instructional activities [...]

If You Feed Them, They Will Come: Ten Commandments of Successful Professional Enrichment2022-10-31T16:36:49-05:00
25 Apr, 2014

Institutional Wobble: An Avoidable Condition


Volume XXXVI, No. 14 | April 25, 2014 Institutional Wobble: An Avoidable Condition Many colleges use mascots to create a sense of community and identity. Typically they encapsulate real or desired attributes, such as intensity or tenacity, for their athletic teams. If you were to select a symbol that captures the essence of [...]

Institutional Wobble: An Avoidable Condition2022-10-31T16:36:49-05:00
18 Apr, 2014

The Importance of Student Stories


Volume XXXVI, No. 13 | April 18, 2014 The Importance of Student Stories I will never forget the first time I shared my community college success story. The president of the college where I had graduated from and was currently working asked me to share my success story at the college’s annual fundraising [...]

The Importance of Student Stories2022-10-31T16:36:48-05:00
11 Apr, 2014

Highlights of a Bestseller on Campus


Volume XXXVI, No. 12 | April 11, 2014 Highlights of a Bestseller on Campus The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot was so intriguing that Illinois Central College faculty from various disciplines collaborated to read, write, and start a conversation from the common book concept, an extension of the community’s “Peoria [...]

Highlights of a Bestseller on Campus2022-10-31T16:36:47-05:00
4 Apr, 2014

Composition Pedagogy and Theory: Writing as Process and Product


Volume XXXVI, No. 11 | April 4, 2014 Composition Pedagogy and Theory: Writing as Process and Product Since the New England Association of Teachers of English convention in 1972, when Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Donald M. Murray presented his landmark essay, "Teach Writing as a Process Not a Product" (Murray 3), the product-versus-process debate [...]

Composition Pedagogy and Theory: Writing as Process and Product2022-10-31T16:36:47-05:00
28 Mar, 2014

Mentoring Adjunct Faculty to Improve Student Success


Volume XXXVI, No. 10 | March 28, 2014 Mentoring Adjunct Faculty to Improve Student Success The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. - William Butler Yeats As we move towards a cultural norm in higher education of adjuncts carrying the brunt of teaching labor, there [...]

Mentoring Adjunct Faculty to Improve Student Success2022-10-31T16:36:46-05:00
21 Mar, 2014

The Missing Ingredient in Student Orientation


Volume XXXVI, No. 9 | March 21, 2014 The Missing Ingredient in Student Orientation Every year, colleges and universities look for creative and more effective ways to run student orientation programs, which are fundamental to making strong connections with new students and facilitating their adjustment to college. Offices of Student Services are charged [...]

The Missing Ingredient in Student Orientation2022-10-31T16:36:46-05:00