Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

31 Oct, 2014

Online Classroom Engagement: A Science


Volume XXXVI, No. 25 | October 31, 2014 Online Classroom Engagement: A Science An online presence for students is a task in and of itself. From the very beginning of my online teaching experience, keeping students engaged and eager to learn has been an uphill battle. How is it possible to provide an [...]

Online Classroom Engagement: A Science2022-10-31T16:36:55-05:00
24 Oct, 2014

Reclaiming Mathematical Lives and Ensuring Rigor


Volume XXXVI, No. 24 | October 24, 2014 Reclaiming Mathematical Lives and Ensuring Rigor Developmental mathematics is a burial ground for student aspirations; it is the first attempt for many students to gain entry into education beyond high school and, in many cases, the last chance they have to realize their dreams of [...]

Reclaiming Mathematical Lives and Ensuring Rigor2022-10-31T16:36:52-05:00
17 Oct, 2014

On Yoga and Teaching Writing: What Faculty Members Could Learn From Yoga Instructors


Volume XXXVI, No. 23 | October 17, 2014 On Yoga and Teaching Writing: What Faculty Members Could Learn From Yoga Instructors After a long day of teaching and committee meetings, I look forward to my Thursday-night yoga class. The yoga studio is in the basement of a nondescript building on a busy city [...]

On Yoga and Teaching Writing: What Faculty Members Could Learn From Yoga Instructors2022-10-31T16:36:52-05:00
10 Oct, 2014

Accelerating Academic Achievement: Paired Courses in Developmental Education


Volume XXXVI, No. 22 | October 10, 2014 Accelerating Academic Achievement: Paired Courses in Developmental Education Two-year colleges across the country face significant challenges retaining their diverse student populations and helping them progress to graduation. A very important barrier is developmental coursework in reading, writing, and mathematics, to which a majority of entering [...]

Accelerating Academic Achievement: Paired Courses in Developmental Education2022-10-31T16:36:51-05:00
3 Oct, 2014

The Impact of Gender-Specific Organizations on Community College Campuses


Volume XXXVI, No. 21 | October 3, 2014 The Impact of Gender-Specific Organizations on Community College Campuses Introduction In recent years, women's gender roles in society are being reconsidered, both domestically and internationally. From the success of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg, to First [...]

The Impact of Gender-Specific Organizations on Community College Campuses2022-10-31T16:36:51-05:00
26 Sep, 2014

Supporting At-Risk Students With BYOD Applications


Volume XXXVI, No. 20 | September 26, 2014 Supporting At-Risk Students With BYOD Applications Developmental education and first-year sequence programs are common offerings at community and technical colleges. According to Bailey (2009), approximately 60 percent of incoming community college students are required to take at least one developmental course. These students often [...]

Supporting At-Risk Students With BYOD Applications2022-10-31T16:36:51-05:00
19 Sep, 2014

Connecting Old Knowledge and New Knowledge


Volume XXXVI, No. 19 | September 19, 2014 Connecting Old Knowledge and New Knowledge Imagine two college students are having the following conversation. A: Did you fix it? B: No. A: No? Why not? B: The place was closed by the time I got there. A: Then how are you going to get [...]

Connecting Old Knowledge and New Knowledge2022-10-31T16:36:48-05:00
12 Sep, 2014

Lesson Delivery: What Every Instructor Can Do Everyday


Volume XXXVI, No. 18 | September 12, 2014 Lesson Delivery: What Every Instructor Can Do Everyday At the heart of every good lesson lies a good plan. Regardless of how the plan is documented, educational preparatory programs, insist on a teacher's ability to create and implement well thought out lesson plans prior to [...]

Lesson Delivery: What Every Instructor Can Do Everyday2022-10-31T16:36:50-05:00
5 Sep, 2014

Using a Foreign Language to Teach Document Design


Volume XXXVI, No. 17 | September 5, 2014 Using a Foreign Language to Teach Document Design Since I began teaching technical writing with computers 20 years ago, I have discovered that no matter how intelligent my students are, they still struggle to create a specified format. Part of the problem is created by [...]

Using a Foreign Language to Teach Document Design2022-10-31T16:36:50-05:00
29 Aug, 2014

Building More Comprehensive Community College Success Metrics: Why Completing a Degree Is Not the Only Way to Succeed


Volume XXXVI, No. 16 | August 29, 2014 Building More Comprehensive Community College Success Metrics: Why Completing a Degree Is Not the Only Way to Succeed Recent research on the California community college system has revealed that workforce-training programs yield some of the highest earnings for community college students, regardless of whether those students [...]

Building More Comprehensive Community College Success Metrics: Why Completing a Degree Is Not the Only Way to Succeed2022-10-31T16:36:49-05:00