Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

22 Jan, 2016

Problem-Based Learning and Basic Public Speaking: An Innovative Approach


Volume XXXVIII, No. 1 | January 22, 2016 Problem-Based Learning and Basic Public Speaking: An Innovative Approach Fire and Brimstone Several years ago, I assigned a mock debate assignment in my basic public speaking class: “Should the Ten Commandments Remain Posted in Schools and Other Public Institutions?” As I made the assignment, I [...]

Problem-Based Learning and Basic Public Speaking: An Innovative Approach2022-10-31T16:37:07-05:00
4 Dec, 2015

“We the Students”: Employing a Code of Conduct in Student Group Projects


Volume XXXVII, No. 29 | December 4, 2015 “We the Students”: Employing a Code of Conduct in Student Group Projects The benefits of group work have long been established. Most instructors agree that student learning is improved by sharing their experiences with their colleagues, and that there is truth to the old adage, [...]

“We the Students”: Employing a Code of Conduct in Student Group Projects2022-10-31T16:37:06-05:00
20 Nov, 2015

Unintentional Plagiarism: Who Should Bear the Burden?


Volume XXXVII, No. 28 | November 20, 2015 Unintentional Plagiarism: Who Should Bear the Burden? Many of the plagiarism policies that colleges and universities instruct their faculty to give to students during the first week of classes are often written in a negative context. The overall language and tone is explicitly condemning [...]

Unintentional Plagiarism: Who Should Bear the Burden?2022-10-31T16:37:06-05:00
13 Nov, 2015

We Teach Much More Than Our Disciplines


Volume XXXVII, No. 27 | November 13, 2015 We Teach Much More Than Our Disciplines More than two decades ago, a teaching and learning colleague of mine passed along a lasting nugget of wisdom. On that particular day, we shared some of the daily struggles and challenges our students faced. While we both [...]

We Teach Much More Than Our Disciplines2022-10-31T16:37:06-05:00
6 Nov, 2015

Student Engagement: Getting 21st-Century Students Hooked Into Your Instruction


Volume XXXVII, No. 26 | November 6, 2015 Student Engagement: Getting 21st-Century Students Hooked Into Your Instruction When I enter a class, I'm thinking about several things—getting my points across clearly, hoping that students show up willing to have relevant discussions rather than engaging with their cell phones, and hoping that my [...]

Student Engagement: Getting 21st-Century Students Hooked Into Your Instruction2022-10-31T16:37:05-05:00
30 Oct, 2015

Peer Revision: Build Classroom Writing Community Through Academic Conversation


Volume XXXVII, No. 25 | October 30, 2015 Peer Revision: Build Classroom Writing Community Through Academic Conversation It is hard to teach writing in a quiet classroom because writing is a conversation. For students to be successful academic writers, they need to be successful academic conversationalists, especially in Composition II’s hallmark genre, [...]

Peer Revision: Build Classroom Writing Community Through Academic Conversation2022-10-31T16:37:05-05:00
23 Oct, 2015

Our Students’ Soft Skills Scarcity: Why Academics Affairs Should Lead the Effort


Volume XXXVII, No. 24 | October 23, 2015 Our Students’ Soft Skills Scarcity: Why Academics Affairs Should Lead the Effort Our finest students stood nervously as our university’s president sized them up during inspection. In a few moments, these students would meet the State Chancellor for Higher Education, the Oklahoma State University system [...]

Our Students’ Soft Skills Scarcity: Why Academics Affairs Should Lead the Effort2022-10-31T16:37:04-05:00
16 Oct, 2015

Large Scale Faculty Development: A Taxonomy of Faculty Perspectives on Teaching Men of Color


Volume XXXVII, No. 23 | October 16, 2015 Large Scale Faculty Development: A Taxonomy of Faculty Perspectives on Teaching Men of Color Enhancing success and learning outcomes for students who have been historically underrepresented and underserved in education remains a key challenge facing America's community colleges. While many states have taken up the [...]

Large Scale Faculty Development: A Taxonomy of Faculty Perspectives on Teaching Men of Color2022-10-31T16:37:04-05:00
9 Oct, 2015

Using QR Codes as Communication and Documentation Tools in Higher Education


Volume XXXVII, No. 22 | October 9, 2015 Using QR Codes as Communication and Documentation Tools in Higher Education Lehigh Carbon Community College’s (LCCC) Teacher Education department recently started using QR codes to address some specific marketing and instructional needs. Because the department includes more than six major programs taught in various formats, [...]

Using QR Codes as Communication and Documentation Tools in Higher Education2022-10-31T16:37:07-05:00
2 Oct, 2015

Tests Are Not Enough


Volume XXXVII, No. 21 | October 2, 2015 Tests Are Not Enough Measuring student classroom learning is now among the top concerns identified by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), and pressure is increasing to hold teachers more strictly accountable for it. Although student-evaluation-of-teacher surveys may be institutionally helpful, they have [...]

Tests Are Not Enough2022-10-31T16:37:03-05:00