Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

22 Sep, 2016

Commitment to Honesty: Easier Said Than Done . . . Or Is It?


Volume XXXVIII, No. 20 | September 23, 2016 Commitment to Honesty: Easier Said Than Done . . . Or Is It? Academic dishonesty is an issue most faculty members have faced or will face during their teaching career. Situations in which students engage in cheating behaviors can range from minor lapses in judgment to [...]

Commitment to Honesty: Easier Said Than Done . . . Or Is It?2017-06-16T01:15:13-05:00
16 Sep, 2016

Helping Students Value Challenge and Hard Work


Volume XXXVIII, No. 19 | September 15, 2016 Helping Students Value Challenge and Hard Work In postsecondary classrooms, we should help students move beyond the “empty vessel” model of learning to a model that encompasses self-directed, strategic learning. For many years, I struggled to identify ways or approaches that help students to see [...]

Helping Students Value Challenge and Hard Work2017-06-16T01:15:16-05:00
8 Sep, 2016

Outside the Classroom and Beyond the Campus: Community-Based Experiential Education


Volume XXXVIII, No. 18 | September 8, 2016 Outside the Classroom and Beyond the Campus: Community-Based Experiential Education Expanding the Experiential Concept After years of incorporating a combination of field trips, active learning, and flipped classrooms, I decided to design a radically flipped course in which I would leverage technology to craft class [...]

Outside the Classroom and Beyond the Campus: Community-Based Experiential Education2017-06-16T01:15:19-05:00
1 Sep, 2016

A Tale of Two Division Chairs


Volume XXXVIII, No. 17 | September 1, 2016 A Tale of Two Division Chairs When you think of the job title “Division Chair,” what comes to mind? Roles and responsibilities are ever-changing in higher education. The division or department chair position at community and technical colleges has morphed into a myriad of [...]

A Tale of Two Division Chairs2017-06-16T01:15:28-05:00
26 Aug, 2016

Transforming Classrooms Into Active Learning Zones


Volume XXXVIII, No. 16 | August 26, 2016 Transforming Classrooms Into Active Learning Zones While student response systems (SRS) have been around well over a decade, it was not until recently that I began to take advantage of their pedagogical benefits. In the span of time since my first implementation of SRS-associated peer-instruction [...]

Transforming Classrooms Into Active Learning Zones2017-06-16T01:15:31-05:00
6 May, 2016

Economics: The Not-So-Dismal Science


Volume XXXVIII, No. 15 | May 6, 2016 Economics: The Not-So-Dismal Science Economics has a reputation for being a dismal science. You can make the argument that any subject matter is dismal, and that how it’s taught is what makes all the difference. I think economics is anything but dismal. Economics is the [...]

Economics: The Not-So-Dismal Science2017-06-16T01:16:17-05:00
3 May, 2016

Thought for the Week Wednesdays: Making Connections in Minutes


Volume XXXV, No. 15 | May 3, 2013 Thought for the Week Wednesdays: Making Connections in Minutes Can five minutes of classroom time once a week really make a difference? I set out to answer this question as I sought to improve retention and student success in my pre-curriculum reading classes. I [...]

Thought for the Week Wednesdays: Making Connections in Minutes2022-10-31T16:37:12-05:00
29 Apr, 2016

Educating Through Coaching: Defining Your Role and Instilling a Dynamic Classroom Environment


Volume XXXVIII, No. 14 | April 29, 2016 Educating Through Coaching: Defining Your Role and Instilling a Dynamic Classroom Environment “Pressure Is a Privilege.”—Billie Jean King Think back to the very first moment you received confirmation that you are officially a “teacher.” Whether that was an affirming call from your department’s dean, an [...]

Educating Through Coaching: Defining Your Role and Instilling a Dynamic Classroom Environment2017-06-16T01:16:25-05:00
22 Apr, 2016

How Students Can—and Should—Contribute to the Rubric Creation Process


Volume XXXVIII, No. 13 | April 22, 2016 How Students Can—and Should—Contribute to the Rubric Creation Process I was in a kindergarten classroom a few weeks ago and was mesmerized by a rubric that was detailed on a large flipchart at the back of the room. It was titled “My Star Paper” [...]

How Students Can—and Should—Contribute to the Rubric Creation Process2018-12-04T16:17:33-06:00
15 Apr, 2016

Too Many Screens? Try Collaborative Note-Taking


Volume XXXVIII, No. 12 | April 15, 2016 Too Many Screens? Try Collaborative Note-Taking There are two major problems that face the modern professor. The first is students who are underprepared for note-taking or who, worse still, have no conception of it. The second is students who are distracted by multiple screens. Finding [...]

Too Many Screens? Try Collaborative Note-Taking2017-06-16T01:16:48-05:00