Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

11 Mar, 2017

IA Membership Preview 3


Volume XXXVIII, No. 2 | January 29, 2016 Just-In-Time for Success: Connecting Underprepared Students to College Resources Community colleges invest heavily in resources to support underprepared students. Examples of these essential resources include: On-campus and online tutoring and writing labs Advising and counseling services Orientation and student success courses and workshops Vendor partnerships [...]

IA Membership Preview 32017-06-16T01:12:53-05:00
11 Mar, 2017

IA Membership Preview 2


Volume XXXVIII, No. 18 | September 8, 2016 Outside the Classroom and Beyond the Campus: Community-Based Experiential Education Expanding the Experiential Concept After years of incorporating a combination of field trips, active learning, and flipped classrooms, I decided to design a radically flipped course in which I would leverage technology to craft class [...]

IA Membership Preview 22017-06-16T01:12:56-05:00
11 Mar, 2017

IA Membership Preview 1


Volume XXXVIII, No. 28 | November 17, 2016 Teach Students HOW to Learn: Metacognition is the Key! “Miriam, a freshman calculus student at Louisiana State University (LSU), made 37.5 percent on her first exam, but 83 percent and 93 percent on the next two exams. Robert, a first-year general chemistry student at LSU, [...]

IA Membership Preview 12017-06-16T01:12:59-05:00
8 Mar, 2017

You’re Hired! Now What? Helping New Faculty Adjust


Volume XXXIX, No. 8 | March 9, 2017 You’re Hired! Now What? Helping New Faculty Adjust It is the first day of class. What in the world did I sign up for? Why am I doing this? My palms are sweaty. I feel nauseous. It was a big decision to leave a comfortable career [...]

You’re Hired! Now What? Helping New Faculty Adjust2022-10-31T16:37:17-05:00
1 Mar, 2017

Action Learning in the Classroom


Volume XXXIX, No. 7 | March 2, 2017 Action Learning in the Classroom What is Action Learning? Action learning is an approach to solving problems that involves taking action and reflecting on the outcomes. According to the World Institute for Action Learning: Action learning is a process that involves a small group working on [...]

Action Learning in the Classroom2022-10-31T16:37:17-05:00
22 Feb, 2017

Interdisciplinary Instruction: An Honors Program Requisite and Informing General Education Courses


Volume XXXIX, No. 6 | February 23, 2017 Interdisciplinary Instruction: An Honors Program Requisite and Informing General Education Courses With the implementation of Common Core-guided curricula in 42 states, the incoming class of college students will be significantly different from students who enrolled as recently as three years ago. These incoming students expect, and [...]

Interdisciplinary Instruction: An Honors Program Requisite and Informing General Education Courses2022-10-31T16:37:15-05:00
15 Feb, 2017

Building Technology That Works for Teachers, Not the Other Way Around


Volume XXXIX, No. 5 | February 16, 2017 Building Technology That Works for Teachers, Not the Other Way Around In the early 2000s, my job as an IT professional in higher education was to support the technology needs of the faculty, staff, and administrators on my campus. Time and again, I saw that the [...]

Building Technology That Works for Teachers, Not the Other Way Around2022-10-31T16:37:14-05:00
8 Feb, 2017

Tale of Two Department Chairs


Volume XXXIX, No. 4 | February 9, 2017 Tale of Two Department Chairs When you think of the job title “Department Chair” what comes to mind? Roles and responsibilities are ever-changing in higher education. The division or department chair position at community and technical colleges has morphed into a myriad of roles, including business [...]

Tale of Two Department Chairs2022-10-31T16:37:14-05:00
1 Feb, 2017

Navigating a Topsy-Turvy Classroom


Volume XXXIX, No. 3 | February 2, 2017 Navigating a Topsy-Turvy Classroom “The only constant is change.” In fact, even that well-known saying was altered from the original: “Change is the only constant in life.” Either way, as educators, it’s safe to say we’re familiar with change. Often, the hardest adjustments—decisions made by campus [...]

Navigating a Topsy-Turvy Classroom2022-10-31T16:37:14-05:00
25 Jan, 2017

Don’t Reinvent the Critical Thinking Wheel: What Scholarly Literature Says About Critical Thinking Instruction


Volume XXXIX, No. 2 | January 26, 2017 Don’t Reinvent the Critical Thinking Wheel: What Scholarly Literature Says About Critical Thinking Instruction As colleges face accreditation requirements, or as departments undergo program review, they generally seek to integrate formal statements about critical thinking into their documentation. Yet, it is not uncommon for these institutions to [...]

Don’t Reinvent the Critical Thinking Wheel: What Scholarly Literature Says About Critical Thinking Instruction2022-10-31T16:37:13-05:00