Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

19 Apr, 2017

Metacognition and Next-Gen Learning Models: Meeting Student Success Goals Through Information Literacy


Volume XXXIX, No. 14 | April 20, 2017 Metacognition and Next-Gen Learning Models: Meeting Student Success Goals Through Information Literacy Austin Community College (ACC) recently implemented a required student success course, EDUC 1300, to increase college readiness and student success for first-time-in-college (FTIC) students. The goals for this course include student engagement—which students [...]

Metacognition and Next-Gen Learning Models: Meeting Student Success Goals Through Information Literacy2022-10-31T16:37:44-05:00
12 Apr, 2017

Technology in the Classroom? Instructional Technology Certification Program Increases Engagement


Volume XXXIX, No. 13 | April 13, 2017 Technology in the Classroom? Instructional Technology Certification Program Increases Engagement When I began teaching, which was initially in K-12, my school was not rich in resources. More times than not, I had to purchase copies of handouts for my English classes, and occasionally also purchase [...]

Technology in the Classroom? Instructional Technology Certification Program Increases Engagement2022-10-31T16:37:18-05:00
5 Apr, 2017

Let Your Voice Be Heard: Using Social Media to Encourage Social Action


Volume XXXIX, No. 12 | April 6, 2017 Let Your Voice Be Heard: Using Social Media to Encourage Social Action Today’s students demand that their learning be dynamic, personal, and relevant. In an effort to help my first-year students understand that their course reading, writing, and overall content have impacts beyond the classroom, [...]

Let Your Voice Be Heard: Using Social Media to Encourage Social Action2022-10-31T16:37:19-05:00
29 Mar, 2017

Meeting Students’ Needs Through Learning Styles


Volume XXXIX, No. 11 | March 30, 2017 Meeting Students’ Needs Through Learning Styles Think back to a class that you enjoyed or during which you learned the most. Was it interactive or lecture-based? Was the teacher the focus of the class, or did the teacher engage students in the lesson? Did the teacher [...]

Meeting Students’ Needs Through Learning Styles2022-10-31T16:37:19-05:00
22 Mar, 2017

Let’s Play ‘Get to Know Your Syllabus’


Volume XXXIX, No. 10 | March 23, 2017 Let’s Play Get to Know Your Syllabus “I never read the syllabus.” “How long does the essay have to be? Should it be double-spaced?” “Do you accept late papers?” “Will absences affect my grade?” Sound familiar? Hearing these comments from our students can be downright discouraging, [...]

Let’s Play ‘Get to Know Your Syllabus’2022-10-31T16:37:18-05:00
15 Mar, 2017

Beyond the Hashtag: Incorporating Civic Discourse About Civic Engagement


Volume XXXIX, No. 9 | March 16, 2017 Beyond the Hashtag: Incorporating Civic Discourse About Civic Engagement #BlackLivesMatter #BlueLivesMatter #ImWithHer #MakeAmericaGreatAgain The list of “trending” hashtags can go on for days. It's no secret that the world has become more social—and definitely more vocal. Nevertheless, when thinking about our modernized way of expression, to [...]

Beyond the Hashtag: Incorporating Civic Discourse About Civic Engagement2022-10-31T16:37:18-05:00
11 Mar, 2017

IA Membership Preview 3


Volume XXXVIII, No. 2 | January 29, 2016 Just-In-Time for Success: Connecting Underprepared Students to College Resources Community colleges invest heavily in resources to support underprepared students. Examples of these essential resources include: On-campus and online tutoring and writing labs Advising and counseling services Orientation and student success courses and workshops Vendor partnerships [...]

IA Membership Preview 32017-06-16T01:12:53-05:00
11 Mar, 2017

IA Membership Preview 2


Volume XXXVIII, No. 18 | September 8, 2016 Outside the Classroom and Beyond the Campus: Community-Based Experiential Education Expanding the Experiential Concept After years of incorporating a combination of field trips, active learning, and flipped classrooms, I decided to design a radically flipped course in which I would leverage technology to craft class [...]

IA Membership Preview 22017-06-16T01:12:56-05:00
11 Mar, 2017

IA Membership Preview 1


Volume XXXVIII, No. 28 | November 17, 2016 Teach Students HOW to Learn: Metacognition is the Key! “Miriam, a freshman calculus student at Louisiana State University (LSU), made 37.5 percent on her first exam, but 83 percent and 93 percent on the next two exams. Robert, a first-year general chemistry student at LSU, [...]

IA Membership Preview 12017-06-16T01:12:59-05:00
8 Mar, 2017

You’re Hired! Now What? Helping New Faculty Adjust


Volume XXXIX, No. 8 | March 9, 2017 You’re Hired! Now What? Helping New Faculty Adjust It is the first day of class. What in the world did I sign up for? Why am I doing this? My palms are sweaty. I feel nauseous. It was a big decision to leave a comfortable career [...]

You’re Hired! Now What? Helping New Faculty Adjust2022-10-31T16:37:17-05:00