Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

9 Nov, 2017

Teaching in the “SLO” Lane


Volume XXXIX, No. 27 | November 9, 2017 Teaching in the "SLO" Lane The Problem Psychology is a diverse field that is always growing in knowledge and theory. Each month my intent is to share with my students the publications I read that are relevant to what they learn in the classroom [...]

Teaching in the “SLO” Lane2022-10-31T16:37:48-05:00
2 Nov, 2017

Flipped Assessment: Revolutionize the Metacognition in Student Learning


Volume XXXIX, No. 26 | November 2, 2017 Flipped Assessment: Revolutionize the Metacognition in Student Learning As a student, I celebrated passing hundreds of tests in my life. Yet, if I had to take the same test three months later, I would achieve a similar or even lower test result, rarely ever [...]

Flipped Assessment: Revolutionize the Metacognition in Student Learning2022-10-31T16:37:47-05:00
26 Oct, 2017

Going Paperless: Is This Generation Ready?


Volume XXXIX, No. 25 | October 26, 2017 Going Paperless: Is This Generation Ready? Most instructors would agree that it’s important for students, in order for them to keep up with course content, to have access to required resources (e.g., textbooks) during the first week or two of the semester. After all, [...]

Going Paperless: Is This Generation Ready?2022-10-31T16:37:47-05:00
19 Oct, 2017

Educating the Whole Student: Bridging the Counselor/Class Divide


Volume XXXIX, No. 24 | October 19, 2017 Educating the Whole Student: Bridging the Counselor/Class Divide As college instructors, we spend a lot of time before each semester preparing the academic content for the class. The last few weeks of my summer are routinely spent updating syllabi, researching authors, reading texts, and [...]

Educating the Whole Student: Bridging the Counselor/Class Divide2022-10-31T16:37:46-05:00
12 Oct, 2017

Teaching Techniques: Beyond Lectures


Volume XXXIX, No. 23 | October 12, 2017 Teaching Techniques: Beyond Lectures As the dynamics of education change, so does the way students learn and respond to classroom strategies. The traditional way of teaching through lecture is no longer sufficient or effective. Today’s students prefer learning through a combination of lecture and [...]

Teaching Techniques: Beyond Lectures2022-10-31T16:37:46-05:00
5 Oct, 2017

Teaching for Transfer in a First-Year Writing Course


Volume XXXIX, No. 22 | October 5, 2017 Teaching for Transfer in a First-Year Writing Course Recent work by scholars within composition studies—most notably the work of Kathleen Blake Yancey, Lianne Robertson, and Kara Taczak—suggests that the transfer of knowledge from English 101 to other courses and contexts may be possible if [...]

Teaching for Transfer in a First-Year Writing Course2022-10-31T16:37:45-05:00
28 Sep, 2017

The Place of Reading in the Freshman Composition Class


Volume XXXIX, No. 21 | September 28, 2017 The Place of Reading in the Freshman Composition Class Immediately before the beginning of student debates in my second semester freshman composition class, a student announced, “This is a writing class. I see no point in doing oral things like debates.” Admittedly, she was [...]

The Place of Reading in the Freshman Composition Class2022-10-31T16:37:45-05:00
21 Sep, 2017

As I Watch My Students Leave


Volume XXXIX, No. 20 | September 21, 2017 As I Watch My Students Leave As I watch students leave my classroom after their final exam, it is with sadness that I realize I will never see many of them again. I have been an educator for 26 years, including as a middle [...]

As I Watch My Students Leave2022-10-31T16:37:45-05:00
13 Sep, 2017

Elevating Your Educational “Hotness”: Achieving Teaching Excellence


Volume XXXIX, No. 19 | September 14, 2017 Elevating Your Educational “Hotness”: Achieving Teaching Excellence Recently, my colleagues and I facilitated a National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) webinar titled, “Bird by Bird: Creating a Culture of Teaching Excellence.” The webinar focused on creating a culture of teaching excellence through [...]

Elevating Your Educational “Hotness”: Achieving Teaching Excellence2022-10-31T16:28:29-05:00
6 Sep, 2017

Capitalizing on Social Presence in Online Course Design: Five Strategies That Work


Volume XXXIX, No. 18 | September 7, 2017 Capitalizing on Social Presence in Online Course Design: Five Strategies That Work  How can we create a more effective, efficient online-course experience for students and instructors? One thing we know: social presence matters. Social presence, briefly defined as the connectedness between and among students [...]

Capitalizing on Social Presence in Online Course Design: Five Strategies That Work2022-10-31T16:37:44-05:00