Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

22 Feb, 2018

Rip Van Winkle Goes to College


Volume XL, No. 6 | February 22, 2018 Rip Van Winkle Goes to College Most of us are familiar with Washington Irving’s story about a man in colonial America named Rip Van Winkle who fell asleep in the Catskill Mountains and woke up 20 years later, having missed the American Revolution. Just imagine how [...]

Rip Van Winkle Goes to College2022-10-31T16:37:51-05:00
15 Feb, 2018

Online Learning: Creating a Culture of Accountability


Volume XL, No. 5 | February 15, 2018 Online Learning: Creating a Culture of Accountability At Madisonville Community College (MCC), online courses are becoming an increasingly popular scheduling alternative. Our students demand the flexible scheduling available through online instruction, and if MCC doesn’t provide it, they seek it elsewhere. Over the last [...]

Online Learning: Creating a Culture of Accountability2022-10-31T16:37:50-05:00
8 Feb, 2018

How Google Classroom Is Quickly Becoming My Learning Management System


Volume XL, No. 4 | February 8, 2018 How Google Classroom Is Quickly Becoming My Learning Management System I typically do not like to use a new technology just because it’s trendy. However, if a new technology appears to be more effective or efficient than what’s currently available, I will test it [...]

How Google Classroom Is Quickly Becoming My Learning Management System2022-10-31T16:37:51-05:00
1 Feb, 2018

Essay in Progress: Process and Application in Composition Writing


Volume XL, No. 3 | February 1, 2018 Essay in Progress: Process and Application in Composition Writing When it comes to writing, I believe two things: there’s more than one way to write, and with practice and application, anyone can be an effective writer. Being a “good” writer seems to carry an [...]

Essay in Progress: Process and Application in Composition Writing2022-10-31T16:37:50-05:00
25 Jan, 2018

Flipped Classroom: Pre-Class Assignment Process


Volume XL, No. 2 | January 25, 2018 Flipped Classroom: Pre-Class Assignment Process Imagine a world where your students come to class prepared! Does that sound too good to be true? For the past several years, my students have been coming to class prepared to start a new topic. According to a [...]

Flipped Classroom: Pre-Class Assignment Process2022-10-31T16:37:50-05:00
18 Jan, 2018

What Do Students Really Want?


Volume XL, No. 1 | January 18, 2018 What Do Students Really Want? Providing students with the class syllabus is a top priority at the beginning of each semester. It is by understanding the class syllabus that students know what’s expected of them for the semester. However, during the process of discussing [...]

What Do Students Really Want?2022-10-31T16:37:49-05:00
14 Dec, 2017

Helping Students Survive So They Can Succeed


Volume XXXIX, No. 31 | December 14, 2017 Helping Students Survive So They Can Succeed A recent Wisconsin HOPE Lab report (Goldrick-Rab, Richards, Hernandez, 2017) surveyed 33,000 students at 70 community colleges in 24 states and found that half of the students had unstable housing and two-thirds of them had low food [...]

Helping Students Survive So They Can Succeed2022-10-31T16:37:49-05:00
7 Dec, 2017

Using a Free App to Get Students More Engaged in the Classroom


Volume XXXIX, No. 30 | December 7, 2017 Using a Free App to Get Students More Engaged in the Classroom Like most instructors, I have faced the problem of students using their mobile devices in class for something other than classwork. The challenge is getting students to use their devices for learning [...]

Using a Free App to Get Students More Engaged in the Classroom2022-10-31T16:37:49-05:00
30 Nov, 2017

Dual College Credit Means Dual Responsibility


Volume XXXIX, No. 29 | November 30, 2017 Dual College Credit Means Dual Responsibility Spring semesters are enjoyable not only because of the warmer weather, but because high school students, including dual credit students, are generally excited about summer plans and graduation. However, I have also noticed that during this time my [...]

Dual College Credit Means Dual Responsibility2022-10-31T16:37:48-05:00
16 Nov, 2017

Teaching an Open Mind Through Contextualization


Volume XXXIX, No. 28 | November 16, 2017 Teaching an Open Mind Through Contextualization The fundamental purpose of higher education is a more complex initiative than just teaching facts. Educators should strive for students to gain the ability to self-educate, including applying what they’ve learned in personal and professional contexts. In order [...]

Teaching an Open Mind Through Contextualization2022-10-31T16:37:48-05:00