Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

5 Jul, 2018

The Writing Process: A Look at Pedagogy


Volume XL, No. 22 | July 5, 2018 The Writing Process: A Look at Pedagogy One of the lessons I’ve learned about the writing process is that the final product is never finished. After submitting an essay to a journal or newspaper, I still get a queasy, uneasy feeling that the essay [...]

The Writing Process: A Look at Pedagogy2022-10-31T16:38:00-05:00
21 Jun, 2018

Divide-and-Conquer Programming Revisited


Volume XL, No. 21 | June 21, 2018 Divide-and-Conquer Programming Revisited When I wrote my 1998 Innovations Abstracts, “Divide-and-Conquer Programming: Using Interdependent Teams,” I was an adjunct professor, only teaching face-to-face classes. In the article, I argued that student group projects that used the divide-and-conquer approach—where students in each group divided project [...]

Divide-and-Conquer Programming Revisited2022-10-31T16:38:00-05:00
7 Jun, 2018

Using Google Docs to Enhance Group Work


Volume XL, No. 20 | June 7, 2018 Using Google Docs to Enhance Group Work Group work can be a valuable learning activity for students in any course. Implementing group work in online courses, however, can be challenging for instructors and students. At Davidson County Community College (DCCC), several lower-level math courses [...]

Using Google Docs to Enhance Group Work2022-10-31T16:37:59-05:00
24 May, 2018

Using the PMI+Q Method to Promote Critical Thinking in Online Discussion Forums


Volume XL, No. 19 | May 24, 2018 Using the PMI+Q Method to Promote Critical Thinking in Online Discussion Forums High school students now entering college are often referred to as digital natives. Digital natives are accustomed to a faster pace and more dynamic experiences than static textbooks can provide (Doll 2012). [...]

Using the PMI+Q Method to Promote Critical Thinking in Online Discussion Forums2022-10-31T16:37:59-05:00
17 May, 2018

Launching a Collegewide Online Course Quality Review Initiative


Volume XL, No. 18| May 17, 2018 Launching a Collegewide Online Course Quality Review Initiative Online learning is growing rapidly in higher education. However, student success metrics in online courses often lags behind face-to-face sections of the same courses. The same is true at Harper College (HC), a community college that serves [...]

Launching a Collegewide Online Course Quality Review Initiative2022-10-31T16:37:58-05:00
10 May, 2018

Get Students Moving


Volume XL, No. 17| May 10, 2018 Get Students Moving   Most instructors have moved away from the “sage on the stage” teaching style in favor of the “guide on the side” approach. It is rare today for instructors to lecture for an entire class period. For example, I always seek new ways [...]

Get Students Moving2022-10-31T16:37:58-05:00
3 May, 2018

Fostering Belonging in Community College Classrooms


Volume XL, No. 16| May 3, 2018 Fostering Belonging in Community College Classrooms Recent data from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) indicates that there are 22.7 million students enrolled in the country’s massive higher education system, which is comprised of over 4,300 colleges and universities. The system’s size and capacity to [...]

Fostering Belonging in Community College Classrooms2022-10-31T16:37:57-05:00
2 May, 2018

Teaching Community College Students the Soft Skills Demanded by Employers


Volume XXXIX, No. 16 | May 4, 2017 Teaching Community College Students the Soft Skills Demanded by Employers Many of us in community colleges work with employers and students. Therefore, we seek to understand what employers need in future employees, then we prepare students to fill those roles. This process is relatively straight [...]

Teaching Community College Students the Soft Skills Demanded by Employers2022-10-31T16:37:57-05:00
26 Apr, 2018

Nurturing Classroom Engagement


Volume XL, No. 15| April 26, 2018 Nurturing Classroom Engagement A student’s involvement in classroom discussions is largely based on his or her experiences during the first class of the semester. It is during this crucial period that a classroom’s culture begins to develop. Students analyze verbal and nonverbal cues from their [...]

Nurturing Classroom Engagement2022-10-31T16:37:58-05:00
19 Apr, 2018

The Retention Divide: Building New Cultural Bridges


Volume XL, No. 14| April 19, 2018 The Retention Divide: Building New Cultural Bridges Do you find it challenging to connect with students? If so, you are not alone. As an instructor, I have grappled with the same challenge. The sea of faces in our courses can quickly become a melting pot [...]

The Retention Divide: Building New Cultural Bridges2022-10-31T16:37:56-05:00