Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

25 Oct, 2018

Jeopardy and Bibliographic Instruction


Volume XL, No. 35 | October 25, 2018 Jeopardy and Bibliographic Instruction Last year several academic instructors at my college, Baton Rouge Community College (BRCC), invited me into their classrooms to provide bibliographic informational sessions for their students. In each of the classes that I visited, I found that students were overconfident [...]

Jeopardy and Bibliographic Instruction2022-10-31T16:38:07-05:00
18 Oct, 2018

Using the Fraud Triangle to Understand Academic Dishonesty


Volume XL, No. 34 | October 18, 2018 Using the Fraud Triangle to Understand Academic Dishonesty A colleague once complained to me that he caught a student cheating on an exam in his class. Among his comments about the student was the phrase, “The student only cheated because he was too lazy [...]

Using the Fraud Triangle to Understand Academic Dishonesty2022-10-31T16:38:06-05:00
11 Oct, 2018

Metacognition Can Save Our Students


Volume XL, No. 33 | October 11, 2018 Metacognition Can Save Our Students Technology has forced many educators to reimagine their classrooms, curriculums, and instructional practices. Educators have had to confront the ways technology has changed students’ brains, as well as how the internet has changed the ways students interact with ideas. [...]

Metacognition Can Save Our Students2022-10-31T16:38:05-05:00
4 Oct, 2018

Differentiated Instruction Leads to Increased Student Engagement


Volume XL, No. 32 | October 4, 2018 Differentiated Instruction Leads to Increased Student Engagement Student achievement is important in all levels of education. The effective use of classroom time has long been considered a key element for increasing student achievement. The most common use of classroom time is direct teaching, otherwise [...]

Differentiated Instruction Leads to Increased Student Engagement2022-10-31T16:38:04-05:00
27 Sep, 2018

Interdisciplinary Studies Then and Now: Expanding Concepts of Integrative Teaching and Learning


Volume XL, No. 31 | September 27, 2018 Interdisciplinary Studies Then and Now: Expanding Concepts of Integrative Teaching and Learning Interdisciplinary studies and integrative thinking have long been a topic of conversation in academia; many researchers have pointed to the advantages of engaging students in interdisciplinary studies and various forms of integrative [...]

Interdisciplinary Studies Then and Now: Expanding Concepts of Integrative Teaching and Learning2022-10-31T16:38:04-05:00
20 Sep, 2018

Integrating Formative Assessment Practices


Volume XL, No. 30 | September 20, 2018 Integrating Formative Assessment Practices While planning for each academic semester, instructors often search for new instructional practices that increase student engagement and retention. The challenge is to find optimal teaching practices that ensure students can understand and apply the course content. I often ask [...]

Integrating Formative Assessment Practices2022-10-31T16:38:03-05:00
13 Sep, 2018

A Flipped Classroom Approach Can Invigorate Instructors and Students


Volume XL, No. 29 | September 13, 2018 A Flipped Classroom Approach Can Invigorate Instructors and Students  “Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?” Most people are likely aware of the iconic “Bueller?” scene from the 1986 film, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, when the monotone, high school instructor takes attendance for a less than enthusiastic classroom [...]

A Flipped Classroom Approach Can Invigorate Instructors and Students2022-10-31T16:38:03-05:00
6 Sep, 2018

The Faculty Engagement Trend: How Years of Work Experience Impact Engagement


Volume XL, No. 28 | September 6, 2018 The Faculty Engagement Trend: How Years of Work Experience Impact Engagement Those of us in higher education often think about student engagement, but not employee engagement. However, business leaders have said that employee engagement should be a business’s main priority. In fact, in 2015, [...]

The Faculty Engagement Trend: How Years of Work Experience Impact Engagement2022-10-31T16:38:03-05:00
30 Aug, 2018

Three “M” Philosophy: Meaningful, Measurable, and Manageable


Volume XL, No. 27 | August 30, 2018 Three “M” Philosophy: Meaningful, Measurable, and Manageable Currently, four generations of educators are working side by side: baby-boomers, echo-boomers, Generation X’ers, and millennials. Professional roles are about to be passed on from the generation that elected President Kennedy to the generation that elected President [...]

Three “M” Philosophy: Meaningful, Measurable, and Manageable2022-10-31T16:38:02-05:00
23 Aug, 2018

Teaching Dually-Enrolled High School Students


Volume XL, No. 26 | August 23, 2018 Teaching Dually-Enrolled High School Students Over the past few years, Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) have developed a working relationship with Harford Community College (HCC) to provide high school students with the opportunity to enroll in college courses while still being enrolled in high [...]

Teaching Dually-Enrolled High School Students2022-10-31T16:38:02-05:00