Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

10 Jul, 2019

Tuesdays With Bobbie: Faculty Mentoring for Instructional Success


Volume XLI, No. 25 | July 11, 2019 Tuesdays With Bobbie: Faculty Mentoring for Instructional Success In Mitch Albom’s best-selling memoir, Tuesdays with Morrie, the main character meets with Morrie, a former professor, every Tuesday. Morrie mentors his student during these weekly sessions as they discuss answers to life’s toughest questions. The [...]

Tuesdays With Bobbie: Faculty Mentoring for Instructional Success2022-10-31T16:38:18-05:00
26 Jun, 2019

Reconnecting Theory and Hands-On Material Estimating


Volume XLI, No. 24 | June 27, 2019 Reconnecting Theory and Hands-On Material Estimating You may have heard construction workers, students, and even some technical trade educators say that the construction industry is mostly a hands-on industry. I find that this statement is rooted in misunderstanding. Surely “hands-on” tasks play an important [...]

Reconnecting Theory and Hands-On Material Estimating2022-10-31T16:38:18-05:00
19 Jun, 2019

Two Heads Are Better Than One: Collaborating for Undergraduate Research


Volume XLI, No. 23 | June 20, 2019 Two Heads Are Better Than One: Collaborating for Undergraduate Research Much has been written on the potential for undergraduate research to shine as a cornerstone of higher education. According to Kuh (2008), the goal of undergraduate research is to “involve students with actively contested [...]

Two Heads Are Better Than One: Collaborating for Undergraduate Research2022-10-31T16:38:18-05:00
12 Jun, 2019

Strategies to Increase and Diversify Study Abroad at Your Campus


Volume XLI, No. 22 | June 13, 2019 Strategies to Increase and Diversify Study Abroad at Your Campus Studying abroad has become more popular for students in recent years. According to the 2018 IIE Open Doors report, in the 2017-18 academic year, 1,094,792 students studied abroad. That is a staggering 75 percent [...]

Strategies to Increase and Diversify Study Abroad at Your Campus2022-10-31T16:38:17-05:00
5 Jun, 2019

It’s All in the Interpretation: The Role of Linguistic Influence in the Classroom


Volume XLI, No. 21 | June 6, 2019 It’s All in the Interpretation: The Role of Linguistic Influence in the Classroom Introduction Years ago, I worked for a well-known entertainment corporation in business operations. It was a positive experience, and I often find myself reflecting on what made it so positive. Over [...]

It’s All in the Interpretation: The Role of Linguistic Influence in the Classroom2022-10-31T16:38:17-05:00
29 May, 2019

Adoption of OER Materials for a College Algebra Course and Its Results


Volume XLI, No. 20 | May 30, 2019 Adoption of OER Materials for a College Algebra Course and Its Results During the Spring 2016 semester, Southern Utah University (SUU) adopted an OER textbook for its general lower‐division algebra course (Math 1050). Overall, the new adoption for the course went extremely well. Background [...]

Adoption of OER Materials for a College Algebra Course and Its Results2022-10-31T16:38:17-05:00
22 May, 2019

What Do I Expect From You? What Do You Expect From Me? What Do We Expect From Each Other?: Involving Students in Expectation Setting


Volume XLI, No. 19 | May 23, 2019 What Do I Expect From You? What Do You Expect From Me? What Do We Expect From Each Other?: Involving Students in Expectation Setting The Importance of Setting Expectations Any good relationship requires that all parties involved have clear explanations and understandings of what [...]

What Do I Expect From You? What Do You Expect From Me? What Do We Expect From Each Other?: Involving Students in Expectation Setting2022-10-31T16:38:16-05:00
15 May, 2019

Philosophy Beyond Critical Thinking


Volume XLI, No. 18 | May 16, 2019 Philosophy Beyond Critical Thinking A common question I get from students and nonstudents alike is, “What’s the point of taking a philosophy course, especially in a context geared towards workforce training and placement?” It’s a fair question. It doesn’t seem that an introductory course [...]

Philosophy Beyond Critical Thinking2022-10-31T16:38:16-05:00
8 May, 2019

Reducing Social Distance in the Online Classroom


Volume XLI, No. 17 | May 9, 2019 Reducing Social Distance in the Online Classroom The term “social distance” generally refers to how well a person feels they know other people and how well they are known in return. When social distance is low, students feel engaged and are motivated to participate [...]

Reducing Social Distance in the Online Classroom2022-10-31T16:38:16-05:00
1 May, 2019

Teaching Leadership in the Community College


Volume XLI, No. 16 | May 2, 2019 Teaching Leadership in the Community College In July 2018, I attended and completed an intensive Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Leadership Development Studies Program seminar. Upon conclusion, my classmates and I were certified to teach and disseminate information about leadership to our colleagues and students. [...]

Teaching Leadership in the Community College2022-10-31T16:38:15-05:00