Innovation Abstracts, NISOD’s flagship teaching strategies publication, provides an excellent opportunity for community and technical college educators to learn about and share best ideas about programs, projects, and strategies that improve students’ higher education experiences.

19 Jan, 2021

Five Ways to Make Your Online Foreign Language Content More Brain-Friendly


Volume XLIII, No. 1 | January 21, 2020 Five Ways to Make Your Online Foreign Language Content More Brain-Friendly Between the threat of COVID, national unrest, and the stress of everyday life, students are experiencing an unprecedented amount of information overload and anxiety. Neuroscience has taught us that our brains do [...]

Five Ways to Make Your Online Foreign Language Content More Brain-Friendly2021-01-19T22:33:46-06:00
8 Dec, 2020

Building a Classroom Culture of Gratitude


Volume XLII, No. 47 | December 10, 2020 Building a Classroom Culture of Gratitude The problem with great ideas is finding the time to learn about them and implement them in the classroom. But building a culture of gratitude in the classroom can be done little by little each day, in [...]

Building a Classroom Culture of Gratitude2020-12-09T21:37:06-06:00
1 Dec, 2020

Student-Centered Guidance for Encouraging Inclusive, Online Learning Environments


Volume XLII, No. 46 | December 3, 2020 Student-Centered Guidance for Encouraging Inclusive, Online Learning Environments “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden Wherever and whatever a student studies, the chances are now higher than ever they will take an online course for [...]

Student-Centered Guidance for Encouraging Inclusive, Online Learning Environments2020-12-02T22:01:59-06:00
16 Nov, 2020

Let’s Show Compassion and Empathy to Our Students While Diversifying Our Online Courses


Volume XLII, No. 45 | November 26, 2020 Let’s Show Compassion and Empathy to Our Students While Diversifying Our Online Courses The pandemic thrust many instructors into an online environment for which they were unprepared. Prior to COVID-19, teaching online required several hours of training and time spent designing course content [...]

Let’s Show Compassion and Empathy to Our Students While Diversifying Our Online Courses2020-12-02T16:25:23-06:00
16 Nov, 2020

Making a Virtual Environment Seem Like a Coffee Shop


Volume XLII, No. 44 | November 19, 2020 Making a Virtual Environment Seem Like a Coffee Shop As the academic term draws to a close, instructors may be wondering how to maintain high levels of motivation and engagement in the virtual classroom. It has been eight months for most of us [...]

Making a Virtual Environment Seem Like a Coffee Shop2020-11-18T03:23:05-06:00
10 Nov, 2020

An Exploration of Study Habits: How Do Four-Year Universities and Two-Year Colleges Compare?


Volume XLII, No. 43 | November 12, 2020 An Exploration of Study Habits: How Do Four-Year Universities and Two-Year Colleges Compare? How can instructors help students use more effective learning strategies in order to maximize their retention of course content? Before answering this question, we must document what is actually going [...]

An Exploration of Study Habits: How Do Four-Year Universities and Two-Year Colleges Compare?2020-11-11T18:00:01-06:00
3 Nov, 2020

Creating an Engaging, Synchronous Online Experience


Volume XLII, No. 42 | November 5, 2020 Creating an Engaging, Synchronous Online Experience When Tallahassee Community College moved its classes online in response to the coronavirus pandemic, many educators, including myself, were forced to teach online for the first time. TCC conducted the last six weeks of the spring semester [...]

Creating an Engaging, Synchronous Online Experience2020-11-03T21:42:06-06:00
27 Oct, 2020

Inspiring Community College Educators to Promote Student Self-Directedness: A Philosophy of Educating


Volume XLII, No. 41 | October 29, 2020 Inspiring Community College Educators to Promote Student Self-Directedness: A Philosophy of Educating The 2020 academic year brought teaching and learning experiences that will profoundly impact which instructional modes students prefer. Students worldwide have been learning in various instructional modes, ranging from the traditional [...]

Inspiring Community College Educators to Promote Student Self-Directedness: A Philosophy of Educating2020-10-28T21:20:07-05:00
20 Oct, 2020

The Impact of Student Enrollment on Guided Pathways


Volume XLII, No. 40 | October 22, 2020 The Impact of Student Enrollment on Guided Pathways Guided pathways are designed to help colleges improve rates of student completion, transfer, and attainment of jobs with value in the labor market. Instituting the whole-scale transformation required to implement pathways means rethinking fundamental aspects [...]

The Impact of Student Enrollment on Guided Pathways2020-10-20T21:20:16-05:00
13 Oct, 2020

Adapting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as a Basis for Faculty to Expand a Wellness Culture


Volume XLII, No. 39 | October 15, 2020  Adapting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as a Basis for Faculty to Expand a Wellness Culture In our current climate, many instructors have been forced to teach online. Within this pedagogy shift, instructors may find themselves juggling multiple tasks, in addition to teaching. In [...]

Adapting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as a Basis for Faculty to Expand a Wellness Culture2020-10-14T16:48:31-05:00