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So far nisod has created 339 blog entries.
11 Oct, 2016

Building the Bridge of Collaboration With Adjuncts


Building the Bridge of Collaboration With Adjuncts Shawn Orr, Director of Faulty Services, The College of Online & Adult Studies, Ashland University

Building the Bridge of Collaboration With Adjuncts2017-06-16T01:14:48-05:00
9 Oct, 2016

Faculty Development: What Important Questions Should We Be Asking?


Faculty Development: What Important Questions Should We Be Asking? Issue No. 5 • October 2016 Author Steve Piscitelli poses questions to institutional leadership to start a larger conversation about fostering faculty growth and resilience in this fifth edition of The NISOD Papers, “Faculty Development: What Important Questions Should We Be Asking?” [...]

Faculty Development: What Important Questions Should We Be Asking?2017-08-24T20:19:26-05:00
7 Oct, 2016

Creating a Culture of Evidence With Course-Level Dashboards


Volume XXXVIII, No. 22 | October 7, 2016 Creating a Culture of Evidence With Course-Level Dashboards At many community colleges, faculty and administrators have a long list of unmet data needs. In order to submit a data request to a typically small, overworked Institutional Research (IR) department, faculty and administrators often need to [...]

Creating a Culture of Evidence With Course-Level Dashboards2017-06-16T01:14:54-05:00
4 Oct, 2016

Building a Community of Learners


Building a Community of Learners Essie Childers, Professor, Blinn College “This is my favorite class!” “Is it time to leave already?” I stopped and smiled inside and out. In teaching digital natives, it is imperative that a community of learners is established early in the semester to create effective and engaging learning experiences. Students [...]

Building a Community of Learners2017-06-16T01:14:57-05:00
3 Oct, 2016

Engaging Adjunct Faculty Through Peer Mentoring and Peer Partnering


Engaging Adjunct Faculty Through Peer Mentoring and Peer Partnering Bethany Fitzpatrick, Adjunct English Instructor, Northwest Arkansas Community College (AR) Adjunct faculty can often feel adrift in the sea of academia. They may be recent graduates relatively new to the classroom, or veteran online teachers with rare visits to campus. With brief or limited time on [...]

Engaging Adjunct Faculty Through Peer Mentoring and Peer Partnering2017-06-16T01:14:57-05:00
29 Sep, 2016

Blogging for Beginners: Recording a Semester of Teaching Online


Volume XXXVIII, No. 21 | September 29, 2016 Blogging for Beginners: Recording a Semester of Teaching Online In creating a daily digital diary, I documented what it was like to teach a fully online teaching load. I blogged for 116 days during the 16-week spring 2016 semester, recording the challenges, successes, and unpredictable events [...]

Blogging for Beginners: Recording a Semester of Teaching Online2017-06-16T01:15:00-05:00
25 Sep, 2016

NISOD Debuts Regional Workshops in 2017


NISOD Debuts Regional Workshops in 2017 AUSTIN, TX [October 10, 2016]: The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) will launch its first-ever Regional Workshop on February 10, 2017, at the Chattanooga Marriott Downtown in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The goal of NISOD’s Regional Workshops is to bring professional development closer to faculty, administrators, and [...]

NISOD Debuts Regional Workshops in 20172021-12-13T16:31:21-06:00
23 Sep, 2016

Reasons Students Hate Group Work and Why I Assign It Anyway


Reasons Students Hate Group Work and Why I Assign It Anyway Join Sherry Engstrom from the College of Lake County for an interactive webinar about using group work to encourage student cooperation, communication, and collaboration. Learn new ways to use group projects to get students excited about engaging with their peers! Sherry Engstrom, [...]

Reasons Students Hate Group Work and Why I Assign It Anyway2017-06-16T01:15:07-05:00
22 Sep, 2016

Helping Students Value Challenge and Hard Work


Helping Students Value Challenge and Hard Work In postsecondary classrooms, it’s important to help students move beyond the “empty vessel” model of learning to a model that encompasses self-directed, strategic learning. Sometimes it's difficult for students to value challenges and hard work as components of the learning process because they do not understand [...]

Helping Students Value Challenge and Hard Work2017-06-16T01:15:10-05:00
22 Sep, 2016

Commitment to Honesty: Easier Said Than Done . . . Or Is It?


Volume XXXVIII, No. 20 | September 23, 2016 Commitment to Honesty: Easier Said Than Done . . . Or Is It? Academic dishonesty is an issue most faculty members have faced or will face during their teaching career. Situations in which students engage in cheating behaviors can range from minor lapses in judgment to [...]

Commitment to Honesty: Easier Said Than Done . . . Or Is It?2017-06-16T01:15:13-05:00