About Cody Bowie

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So far Cody Bowie has created 679 blog entries.
28 Jan, 2011

Imagine That!

2022-10-31T16:35:39-05:00January 28th, 2011|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXIII, No. 2 | January 28, 2011 Imagine That! Immanuel Kant proposed that mathematics requires two things: imagination and rigorous logic. Instructors of college numerical math (from here on “numerical math” refers to those college courses traditionally labeled developmental or remedial, including pre-algebra) tend not to get much chance to use imagination [...]

3 Dec, 2010

Building Bonds with Students

2022-10-31T16:35:38-05:00December 3rd, 2010|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXII, No. 29 | December 3, 2010 Building Bonds with Students I begin each new semester by creating a “contract” with students. I ask them to help me generate a list of “what makes an excellent teacher.” My introduction goes like this: “If you’re like me, you’ve had many teachers in your [...]

19 Nov, 2010

Making Connections in Literature

2022-10-31T16:35:38-05:00November 19th, 2010|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXII, No. 28 | November 19, 2010 Making Connections in Literature What happens when a classroom full of business and math majors, after a lesson on short fiction, still cannot connect the dots? What is the protagonist anyway, and why are both round and flat characters necessary in moving a story forward? [...]

12 Nov, 2010

Speech Critiques: Using Social Media to Encourage Self-Evaluation Activity Background

2022-10-31T16:35:35-05:00November 12th, 2010|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXII, No. 27 | November 12, 2010 Speech Critiques: Using Social Media to Encourage Self-Evaluation Activity Background In 1969, Andy Warhol said, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” Who needs 15 minutes? With social media and wireless digital devices, fame is constant. College students have immediate access to [...]

12 Nov, 2010

Creating Web Pages for Traditional, Seated Courses

2022-10-31T16:35:34-05:00November 12th, 2010|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXII, No. 27 | November 12, 2010 Creating Web Pages for Traditional, Seated Courses Students often look to the Internet as a way to supplement the information found in their standard textbooks. The strategy of “just Google it” is typical of today’s Internet-savvy undergraduate. Virtually all students can benefit from using such [...]

5 Nov, 2010

Preview Reviews: Bringing a Movie Theater Practice into the Classroom

2022-10-31T16:35:34-05:00November 5th, 2010|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXII, No. 26 | November 5, 2010 Preview Reviews: Bringing a Movie Theater Practice into the Classroom Preview Reviews can be used in any class, in any discipline, at any level of any size. They provide an opportunity for students to gauge their level of content knowledge in a non-graded, low-stakes activity [...]

29 Oct, 2010

Opportunities for an Amazing Professional Life

2022-10-31T16:35:36-05:00October 29th, 2010|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXII, No. 25 | October 29, 2010 Opportunities for an Amazing Professional Life Are you looking for excitement, meaning, scholarship, and excellence? Then leadership in professional development is for you. If you believe that student learning is at the core of teaching, then get involved in a campus learning community with your [...]

22 Oct, 2010

Reflection: An Adjunct’s Experience

2022-10-31T16:35:35-05:00October 22nd, 2010|Categories: Innovation Abstracts|0 Comments

Volume XXXII, No. 24 | October 22, 2010 Reflection: An Adjunct’s Experience I had gathered my supplies before I left my house: textbook…check, pens and pencils…check, class notes… check (double check). I looked at the time and noticed that if I didn’t get a move on I was going to be late for [...]