#NISODProfiles – Victoria Bentz

“Be flexible and kind. Students have such a broad range of demographics, readiness, and goals; so instructors need to maintain an attitude of flexibility in order to accommodate all learning levels and student needs.”
#NISODProfiles | April 1, 2021
How many years have you been teaching?
I have been teaching for 23 years.
What is your favorite part about being a community or technical college educator?
I love having a small class size that allows me to truly get to know each student and follow their progress through the program.
What is your best piece of advice for new or existing colleagues at community or technical colleges in your field?
Be flexible and kind. Students have such a broad range of demographics, readiness, and goals; so instructors need to maintain an attitude of flexibility in order to accommodate all learning levels and student needs. Model the behavior you wish to instill. Dress professionally for in-person classes, maintain professional communication, and share your professional accomplishments (and challenges) with students.
How do you connect with your students?
I like to share personal and professional experiences in class and encourage students to communicate with me using a variety of methods.
Share a memorable teaching experience and explain why it was so impactful.
My favorite moments in class are when students share that they were undecided business majors prior to having a class with me, but they enjoyed accounting so much they are changing their major. This is generally not due to my class, per se, but as a result of their discovery they have a previously undiscovered aptitude for organization and numbers they can now use for an awesome career choice.
Every month, NISOD profiles faculty and staff from our member colleges who are doing extraordinary work on their campuses. #NISODProfiles offer a direct connection to your colleagues from across the world who exemplify NISOD’s mission of improving teaching, learning, and leadership.