Widening the Aperture: Experiential Teaching for Engaged Learning
As community college faculty members and professional staff, we know good teaching. In fact, we specialize in it (i.e., experiential education, applied learning, student-centered instruction, interactive teaching). However, what are the mechanisms by which we practice these pedagogies of engagement? What is the learning science that maximizes students’ prior experiences and activates their working memory? This webinar reviews the concepts and theories that are the foundations for enacting specific instructional strategies that facilitate students’ ability to retain, transfer, and apply learning.
Webinar participants identify the hallmarks of experiential teaching and learning, learn specific instructional strategies that facilitate applied learning outcomes in all disciplines, and gain an understanding about how pedagogies of engagement activate neural networks in the brain that increase student ownership and valuation of learning.
Dr. Claire Josette King, Assistant Professor, Experiential Education, Stella and Charles Guttman Community College
A youth advocate and K-16 educator, Dr. King is an inaugural faculty member at the City University of New York’s newest institution of higher education. Founded in 2012, Stella and Charles Guttman Community College is designed to employ the evidence-based, high impact practices that lead to success for all students, especially those students who historically have not experienced an equitable and inclusive education. With a background in positive youth development and the learning sciences, Dr. King teaches in the Humanities and supports her colleagues in experiential teaching and learning.
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